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News: Ultra Street Fighter 4 out today on PSN Xbox Live

Added: 03.06.2014 5:16 | 1 views | 0 comments

Upgrade from Super Street Fighter 4 or Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition for only £11.99.

The upgrade is priced £11.99.

Players who purchase the PSN upgrade of Ultra Street Fighter 4 during the first week of release will receive the previously announced 2014 Challengers Costume Pack, which includes alternate costumes for each of the five new characters.

Ultra introduces Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and Decapre, bringing the final roster count to 44 characters. You also get six new battle environments, rebalanced fighters and a host of new modes.

If the digital upgrade edition isn't your cup of tea, August 8 sees the launch of the retail version...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Ultra Street Fighter IV: Digital Upgrade Edition Launch Trailer

Added: 03.06.2014 5:14 | 1 views | 0 comments

Upgrade from Super Street Fighter 4 or Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Mortal Kombat X: Announce Trailer - Who's Next?

Added: 03.06.2014 4:57 | 1 views | 0 comments

Featuring an original track by Rostrum/Atlantic recording artist Wiz Khalifa titled "Can't Be Stopped." Written specifically for the trailer.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Ultra Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360)

Added: 03.06.2014 4:52 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Wii U system update implements Quick Start for GamePad

Added: 03.06.2014 4:33 | 4 views | 0 comments

Launch directly into a game without first loading the Wii U Menu.

Users starting the Wii U using the GamePad can view the Quick Start screen, which features the icons of 10 recently used or installed games and applications. From this screen games and applications can be launched immediately without first loading the Wii U Menu.

Additional changes include: Users can now receive occasional visual notifications about new games and products, special promotions and more on their GamePad controllers. Users can adjust or remove alert sounds, choose whether to power up the GamePad when notifications arrive and even set hours when such visual...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Mario Kart 8 sold 1.2 million copies during launch weekend

Added: 03.06.2014 4:15 | 1 views | 0 comments

A "great milestone going into the summer season," says Nintendo of Europe president Satoru Shibata.

"Such positive early feedback for Mario Kart 8 reinforces the great gameplay experiences that Wii U currently offers," said Nintendo of Europe president Satoru Shibata. "With Nintendo set to showcase its future releases at E3 next week, this is a great milestone going into the summer season."

In the UK Mario Kart 8 charted at No.2, behind only the record-breaking Watch Dogs from Ubisoft. The launch helped boost UK Wii U hardware sales by 666 per cent over the previous week. While exact sales figures have yet to be revealed, 82 per cent came from the Mario Kart 8 Wii U bundle.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: GRID Autosport (Xbox 360)

Added: 02.06.2014 15:23 | 4 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Xbox, GRID, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Forza Motorsport 5 (Xbox One)

Added: 02.06.2014 15:13 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Force, Xbox, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: NHL 15 (PS4)

Added: 02.06.2014 15:08 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Sonic Boom (Wii U)

Added: 02.06.2014 15:06 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Bolt, Sonic, Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Feature: Battlefield Hardline: We don't just need 'that' shootout from Heat. We need the rest of it as well.

Added: 02.06.2014 13:02 | 0 views | 0 comments

The Battlefield: Hardline footage may have recalled Heat's most famous moments. Steve argues that what video games really need is the rest of it.

My immediate thoughts: We don't really need any more games where you play 'that bit in Heat.' We need more games about the minutes before and after that bit in Heat.

As thrilling as that shootout may be, watching it (say, via YouTube) without the preceding and following hours feels like viewing an exercise in technical excellence – a high water mark in action cinema. Watching it in the context of the movie, it becomes something else: a desperate folly, a fatal mistake. It's the shootout that everyone wants to be involved with, except every person in the film.


Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Naughty Dog has a secret AAA project in 'very early pre-production stages'

Added: 02.06.2014 12:25 | 1 views | 0 comments

Is it The Last of Us 2?

The secret project, Wells says, is "on the scale of Uncharted" and "in very early pre-production stages", although it's still a long way away from being formally revealed.

"We have the sizable team that it takes to get something like that off of the ground," Wells told Game Informer, "but it's got a long runway in front of it. We have a lot of great ideas and some stuff that is already getting everybody jazzed and excited. So, it's a long way off before we can really start talking about it in detail. But no, [Bruce and Neil working on Uncharted] is not going to impact our ability...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Watch the World Cup on Xbox One this summer with Brazil Now

Added: 02.06.2014 12:09 | 0 views | 0 comments

Real-time stats to enhance your viewing experience.

Beginning on June 12, the Brazil Now app promises to bring fans even closer to the action, with personalised alerts for your team and enhanced real-time stats and social functions to support live matches.

Brazil Now offers the following features: Whatever you are doing on Xbox One this summer, Brazil Now gives you notifications of when matches are starting, goal alerts and score updates. You can use these notifications to jump directly into the app and get details about the match in progress, or watch the match live.While you are watching live matches on Xbox One, you’ll get...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Neil Druckmann Bruce Straley are leading development on Uncharted PS4

Added: 02.06.2014 11:53 | 2 views | 0 comments

The Last of Us leads step in to replace former heads Amy Hennig and Justin Richmond.

"We've asked [Druckmann and Straley] to lead the project," co-president Evan Wells told Game Informer when quizzed over the pair's involvement in the upcoming game. "They are excited as veterans of the Uncharted franchise to take the responsibility and they're doing great."

Druckmann and Straley both previously worked on the Uncharted series prior to working on The Last of Us, with Druckmann having served as co-writer and co-lead game designer on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Besides Uncharted PS4, Wells says that Naughty Dog has at least three other "pretty significant...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes: Merida Maleficent Trailer

Added: 02.06.2014 11:09 | 3 views | 0 comments

Merida & Maleficent join the Disney Infinity 2.0 Toy Box.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Forza Horizon 2 Xbox 360 isn't being developed by Playground

Added: 02.06.2014 10:57 | 0 views | 0 comments

Playground Games to focus on Xbox One Forza, but who is behind last-gen version?

"I've woken up to worries over Forza Horizon 2 also being on 360," McCaffrey tweeted earlier today. "FWIW another studio is doing 360; Playground is bldg XB1 ver off FM5 engine".

McCaffrey's tweet suggests that Playground has been left to focus purely on the Xbox One version, although it isn't yet clear who may be behind the Xbox 360 SKU or how the two may differ.

VideoGamer.com has contacted Microsoft to ask.

Forza Horizon 2 was announced earlier today for release on Xbox One and Xbox 360 this autumn. The game is to be set in Southern Europe and feature a...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: World of Speed: Gameplay Teaser Trailer

Added: 02.06.2014 10:31 | 3 views | 0 comments

Slightly Mad's racing MMO gets its first gameplay footage.

Source: www.videogamer.com

11 New Cheats

Added: 02.06.2014 10:05 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest cheats at VideoGamer.com

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Mortal Kombat X confirmed for 2015 release

Added: 02.06.2014 9:42 | 3 views | 0 comments

Expected to come to Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

A debut trailer has been released, showing off what NetherRealm promises to be "unparalleled, cinematic presentation with dynamic gameplay".

MKX is the first title in the Mortal Kombat series since 2011's unnumbered Mortal Kombat.

Source: YouTube, @noobde

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Forza Horizon 2 announced for Xbox One Xbox 360

Added: 02.06.2014 9:18 | 2 views | 0 comments

Cross-gen racer to land on both platforms this autumn.

Set in Southern Europe and developed by Playground Games, Forza Horizon 2 is said to feature hundreds of cars, a brand new weather system and Forza Motorsport 5's cloud-based Drivatar system, with its festival backdrop offering a location with "incredible diversity" and "amazing vistas".

"[Turn 10 and Playground] share this belief that we can create a true home for racing fans on Xbox One," says creative director Ralph Fulton. It isn't yet clear how the two versions will differ.

More details on the game will be revealed tomorrow.

Source: ign.com

Source: www.videogamer.com

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