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News: Ultra Street Fighter 4 release date confirmed

Added: 15.05.2014 11:20 | 2 views | 0 comments

Rolls out digitally on June 4 and into retail two months later.

The digital upgrade will cost £11.99 and is available only to existing owners of Super Street Fighter 4 or Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.

Alternatively, if you haven't purchased the previous games and would rather buy a copy with the Ultra upgrade included, you'll be able to pick up a full retail version in stores from August 8 for £19.99. A full digital version will also be available on PS3 and PC on August 8 for the same price.

A PC upgrade will be available to existing Super Street Fighter 4 owners, too, but – if you weren't already confused enough - it...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Wolfenstein: The New Order: 'House of the Rising Sun' Launch Trailer

Added: 15.05.2014 10:28 | 1 views | 0 comments

BJ Blaskowicz returns next Tuesday, May 20, in Bethesda's brutal first-person shooter.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: PSN maintenance scheduled for tonight

Added: 15.05.2014 10:02 | 1 views | 0 comments

Users may experience sign-in trouble between 5pm-8pm UK, Sony warns.

The maintenance will mean that some users may experience "some disruption" to their online session, and may not be able to sign into their accounts temporarily.

"You may be signed out or be unable to sign in briefly, but will be able to sign back in after a few moments," Sony says.

PlayStation Home and Account Management "should" still be available throughout the maintenance period.

Source: community.eu.playstation.com

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

Added: 15.05.2014 7:59 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Flappy Bird comeback no longer a pipe dream

Added: 15.05.2014 7:23 | 12 views | 0 comments

Flappy Bird to return in August with multiplayer.

The mobile smash hit was pulled from digital stores back in February after Nguyen said that its popularity “ruins [his] simple life”. “I hate it,” he added.

Nguyen later said that Flappy Bird was “gone forever”, but things appear to have changed since.

Further details on the re-release have yet to be revealed.

Source: @CNBCSocial, @Kelly_Evans

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: PES 2015 to release in September, also coming to Xbox One, retailer says

Added: 15.05.2014 6:40 | 2 views | 0 comments

GameStop Italy lists this year's PES for release on last and current-gen ahead of official reveal.

GameStop Italy lists the upcoming football game for release on all platforms on September 26, although Konami has yet to formally confirm when it will be available.

Konami has previously said that PES will be "totally changed" for this year's game, revealing that it was "looking at the needs of the European people".

"It's about globalising the franchise," Konami Europe head Shinji Hirano said, "so it's not just being developed by Japanese people."

Source: gamestop.it

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: The Witcher 3 will hit February release date, CD Projekt Red promises

Added: 15.05.2014 6:12 | 4 views | 0 comments

"We're not newbies", says co-founder.

The game was originally scheduled to hit Xbox One, PS4 and PC later this year, but was delayed to let the developer "achieve the quality that will satisfy us [and] the quality gamers expect from us".

Discussing the delay with Eurogamer, CD Projekt Red co-founder Marcin Iwinski said: "This is not our first game; we are not newbies. It's not like 'hey we are delaying and we'll keep on delaying'.

"If we would think we need more time we would say 'hey we'll release it not in Feb but, I don't know, June'. We made the decision at the moment we were able to judge how much...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Philips suing Nintendo over alleged Wii U patent infringement

Added: 15.05.2014 5:42 | 1 views | 0 comments

Electronics company wants Wii U taken off the shelf.

According to court documents, Philips claims that Nintendo has infringed upon two of its patents linked to the interaction with motion-detecting devices in products like the Wii U and Wii U GamePad.

One of the patents covers a "user interaction system [comprising of] a portable pointing device connected to a camera and sending pictures to a digital signal processor, capable of recognizing an object and a command given by the user by moving the pointing device in a specific way, and controlling an electrical apparatus on the basis of this recognition".

Philips claims...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's story took over 2.5 years to write

Added: 15.05.2014 5:11 | 0 views | 0 comments

Sledgehammer co-founder wants to 'wow' players with COD campaign.

While few details are still known about the narrative, Advanced Warfare's campaign is said to take place in the year 2054 and see PMC group Atlas Corporation "emerge with the power to rescue humanity from a devastated world struggling to rebuild after a global attack on its military and infrastructure".

Players play as Atlas mercenary Private Mitchell, with the company headed up Jonathan Irons (Kevin Spacey). Earlier reports suggest that Irons could turn out to be the villain.

Schofield has previously emphasised the importance of immersion in a Call of Duty campaign...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Wolfenstein: The New Order has huge 5GB day one patch on PS4

Added: 15.05.2014 4:57 | 1 views | 0 comments

And an even bigger 7.3GB patch on Xbox One, early adopters state.

One Twitter user, who appears to have gotten his hands on an early PS4 copy, stated that "Wolfenstein has a day-one 5GB patch".

In response, CraveOnline's gaming editor added that the “Xbox One version is 7.3GB. I have a feeling this game has great audio and graphics."

It isn't yet clear what the patch includes or the reason why it's so big. It also isn't known if the game will ship with similar-sized patches on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

We've asked Bethesda for comment.

Wolfenstein: The New Order launches on PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360...

Source: www.videogamer.com

Review: Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

Added: 15.05.2014 3:00 | 1 views | 0 comments

Its may just be more Mario Kart, but that continues to be no bad thing.

While many other franchises over-expose themselves with constant releases, Nintendo's most successful Mario spin-off has stayed relevant by dedicating itself to one outing per console and, more importantly, having a core idea that refuses to age.

With that in mind, Mario Kart's Wii U debut ticks all the necessary boxes. Drifting, weapons, the simple to learn yet hard to master handling, expletives your mother would be ashamed of, some of the best local multiplayer imaginable: all return. Taking an inspired approach from the DS iterations, the eighth entry in the series is easily...

Tags: Mario, With, While, Karl
Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Sledgehammer would resurrect cancelled third-person Vietnam War Call of Duty

Added: 14.05.2014 17:30 | 14 views | 0 comments

Advanced Warfare dev would return to canned project if Activision asked.

Speaking to Game Informer about the project, which was cancelled when Sledgehammer chose to collaborate with Infinity Ward on Modern Warfare 3, Schofield said that the studio "had spent at least six to eight months on it. I was really getting into the story. We had some really cool mechanics."

The third-person game was to be set in Cambodia during the Vietnam War and saw players fighting through a treacherous jungle environment and haunting underground tunnels.

"We had the underground tunnels," Schofield continued. "We were definitely getting some Dead Space moments. I...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Watch Dogs has gone gold

Added: 14.05.2014 16:36 | 2 views | 0 comments

"There will be no such thing as another delay," promises creative director.

The announcement means that work on the project has finally wrapped up after a five-and-a-half year development cycle, with the final game due to hit shelves on May 27.

"It's exciting to be gold," said creative director Jonathan Morin. "But it'll be more exciting when people are playing. For the fans it means that it's true. It means there will be no such thing as another delay. But for us, it's not done until they actually have it in their hands."

Watch Dogs was first revealed at E3 2012 and offers an open world experience with a cybercrime twist, letting players hack...

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: Now Amazon's listed The Walking Dead for PS4 Xbox One

Added: 14.05.2014 14:39 | 1 views | 0 comments

Evidence mounts for next-gen re-release of Telltale's horror series.

According to Amazon, the PS4 & Xbox One versions will release on July 25 and feature the full first season of Telltale's award-winning series and bonus episode 400 Days. GameStop's description previously dated the game for release on June 17 but has since changed it to July 31.

Unfortunately neither site's description refers to any visual upgrades, so there's no telling what the next-gen versions may offer over the last-gen release.

Telltale has yet to formally announce PS4 or Xbox One versions of The Walking Dead.

Source: amazon.co.uk

Source: www.videogamer.com

News: The Crew has been in development for 6 years

Added: 14.05.2014 12:14 | 2 views | 0 comments

And you can play it this week.

Route 909 states that "after 6 years in development, The Crew is more than ever ready to hit the hands of gamers.

"Starting May 16th, a Work in Progress version of the game will be available at 8 selected gaming centers around the world."

UK players will be able to take it for a spin at London's Meltdown Bar this spring, with similar events kicking off at locations across the globe from this Friday. More details on the event can be found over on the official website.

"The Crew is a never seen before mix of a passionate car game and a full-fledged MMORPG,"...

Tags: Wolf, Most, Route
Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: EA Sports UFC: Be Bruce Lee Gameplay Trailer

Added: 14.05.2014 11:45 | 1 views | 0 comments

Bruce Lee shows off his moves as he steps into the Octagon.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Screenshots: The Witness (PS4)

Added: 14.05.2014 11:41 | 1 views | 0 comments

Check out the latest batch of screenshots.

Tags: Chevy
Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Enemy Front: Stealth Gameplay Trailer

Added: 14.05.2014 11:38 | 1 views | 0 comments

City Interactive shows how you can sneak your way across the battlefield in next month's WW2 shooter.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: Watch Dogs: 101 Gameplay Trailer

Added: 14.05.2014 11:29 | 1 views | 0 comments

Learn everything you need to know about Watch Dogs with 9 minutes of new gameplay.

Source: www.videogamer.com

Video: GRID Autosport: Touring Car Trailer

Added: 14.05.2014 11:06 | 4 views | 0 comments

Brand new gameplay footage of GRID Autosport's touring cars.

Source: www.videogamer.com

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