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Card Hunter, the ultimate faux-tabletop experience, is coming to tablets (iPad)

Added: 20.03.2014 16:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Blue Manchu's Card Hunter, the browser-based, RPG-meets-CCG-meets-tabletop game with a sense of humor and a Richard Garfield pedigree, is folks) is helping Blue Manchu by developing and publishing a mobile version of Card Hunter made with tablets in mind.

"The number one request from the Card Hunter community has been 'when will this be on my tablet?'" Blue Manchu founder and CEO Jon Chey said in a press release announcing the deal. "The game's design screams out for a tablet experience."

Tags: Cave, Blue
Source: www.gamezebo.com

This 2004 Tetris documentary is the best thing you'll watch all day (iPad)

Added: 20.03.2014 11:43 | 10 views | 0 comments

Few games have a story behind them quite as riveting as Tetris. I first learned about the strange and storied history of the game when reading , David Sheff's insanely detailed book on the history of Nintendo.

The story of Tetris is really the story of the end of the Soviet Era, Cold War Politics, and dirty business. For years I've said that it would make a brilliant HBO miniseries, and while we don't have that, this BBC documentary from 2004 is the next best thing.

Sit back, make some popcorn, and spend the next 59 minutes of your day with Tetris: From Russia With Love.

Tags: With, Code, David
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Flappy Bird is coming back, "but not soon" (iPad)

Added: 19.03.2014 17:08 | 11 views | 0 comments

Well that didn't take long. It was only last week that published an interview with Dong Ngyuen, the creator of Flappy Bird, that led to a fury of "will he/won't he?" speculation about the game being returned to the App Store. When asked by Peter Travers if he Flappy Bird would ever take flight again, Nguyen responded "I'm considering it."

But where Peter Travers failed to get a concrete answer, Twitter has now succeeded.

In response to a similar question by tweeter @painfullpacman, Nguyen has confirmed that Flappy Bird is indeed heading back to the App Store: "Yes. But not soon."

Source: www.gamezebo.com

X-Mercs: Invasion gets some new screens, looks decidedly XCOM-y (iPad)

Added: 19.03.2014 16:49 | 9 views | 0 comments

It was just two weeks ago when free-to-play powerhouse Game Insight announced they were working on a game that sounds suspsiciously like XCOM. Promising a strategy simulation where you assemble a band of mercenaries to fight off an alien, as well as using their weapons to forge your own, it wasn't hard to see where (joining the few that were already there) to show off the gameplay in a bit more detail. Thanks to these, we can say for sure that it's an XCOM-alike - and we can also say that it looks pretty fantastic.

Tags: Gain
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Mines of Mars Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 19.03.2014 15:32 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Mines of Mars is a genre-bending journey to the Red Planet that starts off like a cross between Minecraft and Metroid, but slowly morphs into something far triguing. It could stand a little more polish, but even with the occasional bump in the road, it's the kind of thing I can see myself playing for a long, long time to come.

Mines of Mars describes itself as a "procedural atmospheric mining game" inspired by games like Metroid and Motherload. It actually gives off a rather dark sci-fi adventure vibe at first, as the cinematic opening follows a grizzled miner forced to take work on Mars for reasons unknown. But things take a turn for the lighter following a rough landing on the planet, as he - that is, you - makes contact with the oddball commander of the Mars mining installation and a peppy robot who's eager to please.

Tags: Mask, Review, Planet, Gamezebo
Source: www.gamezebo.com

A "Marvel"ous opportunity: Glitchsoft talks Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past (iPad)

Added: 19.03.2014 12:18 | 8 views | 0 comments

It's hard to get too excited about mobile games that are movie tie-ins. They often seem perfunctory, like they were rolled off an assembly line, and if the movie in question is based on a comic book, that only leads to disappointed fans.

Good thing, then, that the upcoming Uncanny X-Men: Days of Future Past is no movie adaptation. Though its May launch on iOS and Android is no doubt intended to coincide with the May 23 release of the X-Men: Days of Future Past film, it's going to one-up Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence and company when it comes to staying faithful to the classic story from the Marvel comics.

Tags: Gods, Paul, Daly, Android, Future, Though, Huge, Marvel
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Midnight Castle is coming to the iPad tomorrow (iPad)

Added: 19.03.2014 9:00 | 16 views | 0 comments

Love Midnight Castle, but wish you could take it on the go? Good news, Big Fishers - Big Fish Games has just confirmed with Gamezebo that their popular free-to-play hidden object game is heading to the iPad this Thursday.

It's an interesting twist, when you think about it. Previous free-to-play titles from Big Fish, like Found and Dark Manor, have started life on iOS, only to make their way to the main site later, after they've had some time to prove themselves. With Midnight Castle, they've turned that formula on its head. And it seems to be working, too: a Big Fish Games representative told us that the game's PC players are averaging 70 minutes in game per day.

And if it counts for anything, after the clock strikes 12 tonight.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

There's a Mario piggy in Angry Birds Epic (iPad)

Added: 18.03.2014 13:09 | 14 views | 0 comments

If your head is still spinning from the realization that there's an Angry Birds RPG on the horizon, you'll want to sit down for this one. The game soft-launched in Canada and Australia last night, and after 30 minutes or so, we bumped into a pig that looked pretty darned familiar.

Red hat. Moustache. Pipe. Mushrooms. I'll let you be the judge:

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Shin Megami Tensei Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 18.03.2014 12:31 | 29 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Shin Megami Tensei, the game that launched a thousand spin-offs, has finally made the jump to English.

Most probably know the series for the Persona games, but the original launched on Super Famicom in 1992. This new version is a direct, barebones interpretation of that original game but features, for the first time ever, an official translation by Atlus.

This is a perfectly preserved, untouched classic; one that the average Westerner can now experience for the first time. For better or worse, buyers will experience Shin Megami Tensei exactly as it was over 20 years ago.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Deadlings Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 18.03.2014 9:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

"Pay-to-win": it's hardly a death knell for most mobile games, as it's quite easy to find people with more money than time and a poor sense of where to spend either one.

Deadlings certainly isn't the most egregious such game, but it hardly gets a pass.

Death (as in the Grim Reaper) is unsurprisingly lonely. After seeing potential friendship in the equally unwanted zombies of the world, he tries to win their companionship by running them through a gantlet of deadly traps, platforms and obstacles at his new business, Deadlings, Inc.

The elevator pitch is something like Jetpack Joyride meets Lemmings. You play as Death, guiding different classes of endlessly running zombies through test chambers, collecting brains and making for the exit.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Brave Frontier Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 17.03.2014 15:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

There's something to be said for the classics. Actually, there's a lot to be said for them, or they wouldn't get to be classics in the first place. Brave Frontier definitely has its sights set on giving mobile gamers nostalgic feelings of the JRPGs of bygone days, with some collectible card game bits sprinkled in for good measure. That's a sound strategy, and the result is fun enough to be worth the free download.

Every good RPG needs a land to save, and in the case of Brave Frontier, it's called Grand Gaia. This magical locale is home to hidden power for those who can vanquish its strange creatures, but it's been sealed off by some fallen gods.

That's where you come in. As a Summoner with immense promise, you've been granted access to Grand Gaia via Lucius' Gate. With a guide named Tilith to introduce you to core concepts like summoning units, fusing them together to make them more powerful, and leading them into combat, it doesn't take long to get started on setting things right.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Wormhole Games is "winding down," CEO takes role at Google Play (iPad)

Added: 17.03.2014 14:19 | 13 views | 0 comments

It's a sad day to be part of a promising startup. Wormhole Games, who released their first (and it looks like, only) game last year with Tank Nation, and earned a spot as one of Gamezebo's , is "winding down" according to a Facebook post from studio CEO and co- founder Jamil Moledina.

"We founded Wormhole Games as our contribution to innovation in free to play mobile games," reads Moledina's status update. "I'm immensely proud that our team achieved this goal with the launch of Tank Nation. Unfortunately, given financial challenges, we've been winding down the company. We've placed most of our staff at great new jobs, and the few that remain are in process."

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Godzilla needs a match-3 game like I need a hole in my head (iPad)

Added: 17.03.2014 13:37 | 8 views | 0 comments

There's a pretty fantastic-looking Godzilla reboot on the horizon. If you haven't watched the trailer yet, you should go and . The game's official announcement promises "RPG-style progression" as well, which usually pairs nicely with match-3 gameplay.

And did we mention it's being developed by Pipeworks Software, the folks responsible for Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee and its two sequels?

Ok, maybe this could be good after all.

Tags: Monsters
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Google Play Games is about to get a whole lot better (iPad)

Added: 17.03.2014 11:48 | 10 views | 0 comments

Google has always had the tools to make mobile gaming on Android devices into a force to take on iOS toe-to-toe, it's just been a question of having the will and awareness to put them together in a way that makes sense for developers. With the now-underway Game Developer's Conference in San Francisco as a backdrop, that time may have arrived.

On the same day it's sponsoring a Developer Day at GDC, Google is introducing a was sorely needed.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 is happening, and it's mobile (iPad)

Added: 17.03.2014 10:55 | 7 views | 0 comments

When it comes to classic simulation franchises, few conjure up quite as many great memories as Roller Coaster Tycoon. So when you hear the words Roller Coaster Tycoon 4 Mobile, there's a very good chance that you have a "front car of the coaster with your arms up" level of excitement.

That excitement might be justified. It might not. We just don't know.

Details about the game are scant right now, though a trailer for the game showcases gameplay that... well, to be frank, looks a lot like Zynga's , a word of warning seems emphatically in order.

Tags: When
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Gameloft's Asphalt 8 will be the first mobile game with Twitch streaming (iPad)

Added: 17.03.2014 9:45 | 8 views | 0 comments

Well that didn't take long. Earlier this month, , Asphalt 8 will add in Twitch-functionality in a free update "soon." Not only will players be able to stream gameplay, but video and audio courtesy of your iOS device's front-facing camera. Streaming will be optimized for A7 chip devices (iPhone 5S, iPad Air, iPad Mini). There no word on whether older devices will be supported.

Tags: There, Phone
Source: www.gamezebo.com

The Week In Review: Layoffs, funding, IPOs, oh my! (iPad)

Added: 14.03.2014 12:19 | 10 views | 0 comments

We ran a survey recently asking our game developer friends what more they want to see on Gamezebo. One of the key pieces of feedback we received is that you want to see dustry news. Who k(new)?

As long as you read and share this news round-up (hint, hint, you wild and crazy people with tons of followers on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), and there's enough interesting news to round up, we'll sum the news up for you every Friday.

This week: PopCap and Disney layoffs, Large Animal Games is closing, King is still going public, and lot of new studios and businesses forming.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Pivvot update brings Daily Challenges and a new mode (iPad)

Added: 14.03.2014 10:29 | 11 views | 0 comments

Whitaker Trebella is a cool guy. And like a lot of cool guys - especially in this industry - he makes some pretty cool games. The most recent of these, Pivvot, has just seen its first big update that introduces a new mode. Better yet, it also introduces two very special words: Daily Challenges.

If you're wondering where Trebella got the idea for the latter, he with an upvote on Steam Greenlight).

Tags: Steve
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Bridge Constructor Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 14.03.2014 10:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Bridge Constructor by HeadUp Games is a bridge-building mobile game that lets you exercise your physics prowess. It also offers a strong, important reminder: Not everyone is cut out for building bridges. It's OK for a bridge to fall apart on your screen, but in real life, smiling sheepishly and shrugging while cars plummet into ravines simply isn't acceptable.

So, if you don't know anything about engineering, is it still worth giving Bridge Constructor a go? Sure it is. The game challenges you to build serviceable bridges. There's no need for them to pass any hoity-toity government inspections. If the whole shebang collapses but the cars driving across manage to outrun the destruction, the point's still yours. No jail time!

Source: www.gamezebo.com

More layoffs at PopCap (iPad)

Added: 13.03.2014 18:43 | 11 views | 0 comments

Earlier today, Gamefront had an anonymous source claiming PopCap Games, maker of the Plants vs. Zombies titles, had suffered . Parent company Electronic Arts wouldn't comment on the source's number of 30 jobs lost, but did provide the site with a statement from PopCap GM and co-founder John Vechey confirming that some people had been let go:

"The changes we made today at PopCap were painful and we're sorry to lose some of our friends and colleagues. But it was also necessary in order to stay on course with our future plans for mobile games, live services, and new IP. PopCap is a studio that made its name building great games that the world can fall in love with, and that's what we'll continue to do."

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