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Get rich quick! (by being a slimy, game-cloning sack of crap) (iPad)

Added: 19.02.2014 12:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

When you think of the slimy folks who clone games on the App Store - the folks with purely profit-driven motives - the words "open" and "honest" probably don't spring to mind. And yet that's exactly what the post I'm about to share with you is: an open and honest look at the world of cloning games for fun and profit.

First brought to our attention by " outlines just about everything you'd ever need to make a profitable clone of your own.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Non-app game revenue is higher, but app game sales are growing faster (iPad)

Added: 19.02.2014 10:04 | 6 views | 0 comments

The United States leads the way when it comes to the consumption of digital content, a glimpse of the future can be had by looking at the East, and games, especially mobile games, are the current kings of digital media.

Those are just a few of the insights to be gained from a new joint study from App Annie and global research firm IHS, the first to be produced by the combined efforts of both organizations. The report takes a detailed look at trends across all kinds of digital content -- including digital games, game apps, other kinds of mobile apps, movie and music streaming -- and also identifies how the markets in different countries differ.

Probably to no one's surprise, digital games led the way globally in 2013. Consumer spending on games rose to $34 billion last year, accounting for more revenue than online movies and mobile apps combined.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Card Wars - Adventure Time Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 18.02.2014 16:27 | 6 views | 0 comments

Card Wars - Adventure Time is a single-player card battle game developed by Kung Fu Factory. In this game, you'll play creatures, spells and buildings to defeat various bosses and unlock them for play in the game. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

IGDA issues a statement about King's trademark actions (iPad)

Added: 18.02.2014 14:03 | 7 views | 0 comments

While a lot of individual developers have voiced concerns about King's trademark filings (), there hasn't been an official, collective show of opposition to what's transpired - at least not until right now.

The International Game Developer's Association has just released the following statement from Executive Director Kate Edwards and their Board of Directors, regarding their stance on King's actions in regards to protecting their IP with trademark law;

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Final Fantasy VI Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 18.02.2014 12:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Final Fantasy VI is a role-playing game from Square-Enix. In this game, you control a company of heroes out to stop a madman from decimating the world with his powerful magic. Gamezebo's strategy guide will provide you with some tips and hints that will help you get a good start in this grand adventure.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

King's IPO is about to be crowned; registration statement filed (iPad)

Added: 18.02.2014 7:46 | 9 views | 0 comments

Back in September, King was rumored to have taken the first steps towards offering an IPO when .

Once the IPO is live, King plans to trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol "KING," and a whole bevvy of business names will be acting as joint book-running managers: J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, MofA Merrill Lynch, Barclays Capital Inc., Deitsche Bank Securities Inc., and RBC Captial Markets, LLC. The first three of these will act as representatives of the underwriters in addition to book-running managers.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Games Like Minecraft (iPad)

Added: 17.02.2014 17:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

There are very few other games today that have managed to achieve "cult phenomenon" status as Mojang's . The game's been sitting at the very top of the iTunes App Store "Paid Games" chart for as long as I can remember, and gamers have spent hundreds of hours crafting their own unique and blocky sandbox worlds. But despite the game's essential endless nature, sometimes you might be in the mood for some different kinds of crafting or sandbox adventuring.

So we decided to compile a list of some other great games that are sure to make the Minecraft fan in all of us feel right at home. Maybe these games might change up that first-person crafting perspective, or maybe they might let you build some blocks on the moon. Either way, they're all decidedly Minecraft, but more importantly, they're all decidedly fun.

Tags: Paul, Games, Live, There, Stone, App Store, Minecraft
Source: www.gamezebo.com

The Best Flappy Bird Post-Mortem in the World (iPad)

Added: 17.02.2014 10:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Scouring Twitter activity through Topsy, download data from App Annie, and developer Dong Nguyen's own Twitter feed, languished in obscurity from the time it launch in April 2013 until November 2013 when the first "love/hate" tweet about the game appeared. From then, reviews started to trickle into the App Store at a rate of 20 a day. And then, boom! The game first appeared in the Top 250 Free Games chart on Dec 13, hit the Top 10 on January 10 and hit the #1 Free Spot on January 17. On January 24, the media took notice. And that's when things really got crazy.

Tags: Games, World, Spec, Stone, App Store, Been, Down, January, April, Twitter, Mortal
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Final Fantasy VI Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 14.02.2014 15:00 | 17 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Another day, another controversial remake of a classic RPG from Square Enix. This time, the beloved SNES epic Final Fantasy VI is getting the "Vaseline treatment" - that is to say, this mobile rerelease has had its scenery and characters smoothed out to hide its pixel-based shame.

The end result looks awful, but what's really important is how Final Fantasy VI plays on mobile. And, well, after all these years, the game still ranks amongst the best RPGs released during the 90s and early aughts, a golden era for the genre.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

This Week in China: (iPad)

Added: 14.02.2014 14:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

After a short break for Spring Festival (or as we in the West like to call it, Chinese New Year), China's gaming sector is back at work. And as we try to do every Friday, we're back with another 'This Week in China' round-up courtesy of our friends at Beijing's to your bookmarks.

Tags: After
Source: www.gamezebo.com

This Week in China: As Spring Festival ends, work begins (iPad)

Added: 14.02.2014 14:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

After a short break for Spring Festival (or as we in the West like to call it, Chinese New Year), China's gaming sector is back at work. And as we try to do every Friday, we're back with another 'This Week in China' round-up courtesy of our friends at Beijing's to your bookmarks.

Tags: After
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Free Games and Sales: Spud's Quest, Assassin's Creed Pirates and more! (iPad)

Added: 14.02.2014 12:30 | 7 views | 0 comments

Is it wrong that sometimes I get more excited for all the amazing holiday deals in gaming rather than the actual holidays themselves? Well if you'd only take a look at some of the insane price cuts going on in support of Valentine's Day weekend, then you'll see why these deals are way better than a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolate (flowers wilt, chocolate gets eaten, but games? GAMES ARE FOREVER).

Ahem. Anyway, this weekend lots of gaming storefronts have gotten into the lovey-dovey spirit and started offering tons of free games and sales to get you and your special someone in the romantic gaming mood. You've got a brand new bundle from Indie Royale, a massive Valentine's Day weekend catalogue sale on IndieGameStand, and a cool focus on multiplayer and co-op game sales over at GOG.com.

Tags: Games, Creed, Indie
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Great games to play with your loved one this Valentine's Day (iPad)

Added: 14.02.2014 10:00 | 7 views | 0 comments

Ah, love is in the air this Valentine's Day! I'm sure a lot of people will be making a fancy dinner at home for their boyfriend or girlfriend. Others might be going to a sold-out Broadway show with their husband or wife. But since you're here reading this article on Gamezebo, I've got another idea: why not play some great games with your loved one this February 14th?

Maybe they're a fun way to collaborate or simply pass the iPad around, but the odds are your partner will love the following list of games almost as much as they love you! And if I'm being completely honest, I'd like to think that a lot of these games are way better than flowers or chocolate or front-row Broadway tickets, anyway.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

If at first you don't succeed, adjust: The lesson of Arena of Heroes (iPad)

Added: 13.02.2014 13:57 | 5 views | 0 comments

Everyone likes to hear the tale of the indie developer who bucks the odds and turns into an overnight success.

The story of Sneaky Games and its turn-based MOBA/tactical hybrid isn't one of those. It's more a saga of mild success followed by more hard work to try to shine a bigger spotlight on a product the studio truly believes in, all while financial uncertainty swirls around in the background. As such, it's probably a lot more typical of the indie experience than going from rags to riches in one fell swoop.

Sneaky Games was known mainly for social games before it dreamed up Arena of Heroes. The game's high concept was a good one: take the framework of a MOBA, but make the action turn-based and put it on multiple platforms to expand the potential player base.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Rovio announces the female-focused Angry Birds Stella (iPad)

Added: 13.02.2014 13:01 | 9 views | 0 comments

Rovio has officially unveiled their next stating: "There will be plenty of fun and adventure, but the bunch of passionate pals will also have to deal with some serious issues in order to protect their friendship and the environment they live in."

Source: www.gamezebo.com

10 Signs That You're a Mobile Gamer (iPad)

Added: 13.02.2014 9:46 | 9 views | 0 comments

We're all pretty big fans of mobile games around these parts of the internet, and if you're here visiting Gamezebo, then it's a pretty safe bet that you are too. But even though you might play the occasional game or two on your smartphone or tablet, do you ever consider yourself to be a full-fledged "mobile gamer"? Well today we want to find out the answer to one very important question: how deep does your addiction to mobile gaming go?

Maybe you dream about flinging birds out of slingshots every night? Maybe you have a ? Well whatever it may be, we've compiled a list of the 10 biggest red flags that let you know when you've been bitten by the mobile gaming bug. Doctors think they might never find a cure.

Tags: Games
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Deal of the Day: $85 OUYA (+$25 game credit) (iPad)

Added: 13.02.2014 8:50 | 7 views | 0 comments

In 2013, the OUYA seemed to be the micro-console that the press just loved to hate. But you know what? coming soon, there's really no better time to pick one up.

Tags: Dead
Source: www.gamezebo.com

New iOS Games Tonight: Stubies, Any Landing and more! (iPad)

Added: 12.02.2014 17:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Here's a nifty little fact about myself: whenever I write anything here on Gamezebo, I always have cartoons playing on the TV in the background. I'm not sure why, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I LOVE CARTOONS. I'm telling you this now because a lot of tonight's big new mobile releases are all wonderfully zany in their own right: just like the perfect Saturday morning cartoon!

From trying to land an airplane amidst a fiery inferno of wreckage, to solving puzzles with little block-headed guys called the Stubies, every new game you'll be able to play tonight has a decidedly cartoonish aspect to it, which typically translates to an awesomely high factor of FUN. Oh yeah, and there's also the new game from one of Cartoon Network's most popular and highest rated shows! So which new games will you be using as cartoon substitutes later on tonight? Let us know in the replies!

Tags: Games
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Facebook drops HasOffers and Kontagent as mobile marketing partners - Oh no, mobile marketing gurus! (iPad)

Added: 12.02.2014 14:46 | 4 views | 0 comments

Facebook has dropped two partners, HasOffers and Kontagent, from its mobile ad measurement program for holding onto user data too long, according to ). When Facebook lifts a finger, the mobile game world shakes.

Tags: When, Facebook
Source: www.gamezebo.com

King has bought an old trademark, and you're not going to like how they're using it (iPad)

Added: 12.02.2014 12:29 | 9 views | 0 comments

Oops, they did it again. Back in January, Candy Crush Saga maker King underwent a great deal of public scrutiny about the choices they've made in the world of IP protection. Initially it was about , the creator of CandySwipe. As the creator of a match-3 game involving candy that pre-dated every incarnation of Candy Crush, Ransom had been fighting the CANDY CRUSH SAGA trademark for months. And he told Gamezebo that he intended to fight their mark on the word CANDY, too.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

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