Games Like Minecraft (iPad) | Added: 17.02.2014 17:00 | 15 views | 0 comments
The Best Flappy Bird Post-Mortem in the World (iPad) | Added: 17.02.2014 10:00 | 9 views | 0 comments
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Final Fantasy VI Review (iPhone, iPad, Android) Added: 14.02.2014 15:00 | 17 views | 0 comments
After a short break for Spring Festival (or as we in the West like to call it, Chinese New Year), China's gaming sector is back at work. And as we try to do every Friday, we're back with another 'This Week in China' round-up courtesy of our friends at Beijing's to your bookmarks. |
After a short break for Spring Festival (or as we in the West like to call it, Chinese New Year), China's gaming sector is back at work. And as we try to do every Friday, we're back with another 'This Week in China' round-up courtesy of our friends at Beijing's to your bookmarks. |
Is it wrong that sometimes I get more excited for all the amazing holiday deals in gaming rather than the actual holidays themselves? Well if you'd only take a look at some of the insane price cuts going on in support of Valentine's Day weekend, then you'll see why these deals are way better than a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolate (flowers wilt, chocolate gets eaten, but games? GAMES ARE FOREVER). Ahem. Anyway, this weekend lots of gaming storefronts have gotten into the lovey-dovey spirit and started offering tons of free games and sales to get you and your special someone in the romantic gaming mood. You've got a brand new bundle from Indie Royale, a massive Valentine's Day weekend catalogue sale on IndieGameStand, and a cool focus on multiplayer and co-op game sales over at |
Ah, love is in the air this Valentine's Day! I'm sure a lot of people will be making a fancy dinner at home for their boyfriend or girlfriend. Others might be going to a sold-out Broadway show with their husband or wife. But since you're here reading this article on Gamezebo, I've got another idea: why not play some great games with your loved one this February 14th? Maybe they're a fun way to collaborate or simply pass the iPad around, but the odds are your partner will love the following list of games almost as much as they love you! And if I'm being completely honest, I'd like to think that a lot of these games are way better than flowers or chocolate or front-row Broadway tickets, anyway. |
Everyone likes to hear the tale of the indie developer who bucks the odds and turns into an overnight success. The story of Sneaky Games and its turn-based MOBA/tactical hybrid isn't one of those. It's more a saga of mild success followed by more hard work to try to shine a bigger spotlight on a product the studio truly believes in, all while financial uncertainty swirls around in the background. As such, it's probably a lot more typical of the indie experience than going from rags to riches in one fell swoop. Sneaky Games was known mainly for social games before it dreamed up Arena of Heroes. The game's high concept was a good one: take the framework of a MOBA, but make the action turn-based and put it on multiple platforms to expand the potential player base. |
Rovio has officially unveiled their next stating: "There will be plenty of fun and adventure, but the bunch of passionate pals will also have to deal with some serious issues in order to protect their friendship and the environment they live in." |
We're all pretty big fans of mobile games around these parts of the internet, and if you're here visiting Gamezebo, then it's a pretty safe bet that you are too. But even though you might play the occasional game or two on your smartphone or tablet, do you ever consider yourself to be a full-fledged "mobile gamer"? Well today we want to find out the answer to one very important question: how deep does your addiction to mobile gaming go? Maybe you dream about flinging birds out of slingshots every night? Maybe you have a ? Well whatever it may be, we've compiled a list of the 10 biggest red flags that let you know when you've been bitten by the mobile gaming bug. Doctors think they might never find a cure. |
In 2013, the OUYA seemed to be the micro-console that the press just loved to hate. But you know what? coming soon, there's really no better time to pick one up. |
Here's a nifty little fact about myself: whenever I write anything here on Gamezebo, I always have cartoons playing on the TV in the background. I'm not sure why, but it probably has something to do with the fact that I LOVE CARTOONS. I'm telling you this now because a lot of tonight's big new mobile releases are all wonderfully zany in their own right: just like the perfect Saturday morning cartoon! From trying to land an airplane amidst a fiery inferno of wreckage, to solving puzzles with little block-headed guys called the Stubies, every new game you'll be able to play tonight has a decidedly cartoonish aspect to it, which typically translates to an awesomely high factor of FUN. Oh yeah, and there's also the new game from one of Cartoon Network's most popular and highest rated shows! So which new games will you be using as cartoon substitutes later on tonight? Let us know in the replies! |
Facebook has dropped two partners, HasOffers and Kontagent, from its mobile ad measurement program for holding onto user data too long, according to ). When Facebook lifts a finger, the mobile game world shakes. |
Oops, they did it again. Back in January, Candy Crush Saga maker King underwent a great deal of public scrutiny about the choices they've made in the world of IP protection. Initially it was about , the creator of CandySwipe. As the creator of a match-3 game involving candy that pre-dated every incarnation of Candy Crush, Ransom had been fighting the CANDY CRUSH SAGA trademark for months. And he told Gamezebo that he intended to fight their mark on the word CANDY, too. |
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