Eliss Infinity Review (iPhone, iPad) | Added: 11.02.2014 10:00 | 17 views | 0 comments
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Threes! Review (iPhone, iPad) Added: 10.02.2014 16:00 | 12 views | 0 comments
Don't you hate when a TV series ends its season (or mid-season) on a cliffhanger? It keeps you on the edge of your seat for months, and you just want to throw your remote through the TV. Telltale Games creates a similar fury in me with every single game they release. And The Wolf Among Us is no different. Finally available after a bit of a delay (and nearly four months after ), Episode 2: Smoke and Mirrors continues the story of Bigby Wolf, sheriff of Fabletown, as he investigates a pair of beheadings that have occurred in the Fable community. |
The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2 - Smoke and Mirrors is a point-and-click adventure game created by Telltale Games. In this game, you take on the role of Bigby Wolf, a tough law enforcer who tries to keep the peace among New York's fantastic population of "Fables." Episode 2 carries on with the cliffhanger that capped off the end of Episode 1. Gamezebo's walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
Threes! is a match-2 puzzle game developed by Sirvo LLC. In this game, you'll slide numbered tiles around a grid in order to create ever-increasing multiples of three. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
You might think that everyone who had even the slightest inkling of interest in playing Flappy Bird would already have the game installed on their phones, but if the auctions on eBay today are anything to go by, that doesn't appear to be the case. First reported by from the App Store and Google Play. And here's a twist you might not be expecting - some of them are actually getting bids. |
Clash of Clans is a big game. #2 top grossing on the App Store for more than a year big (and as of this writing, #1). was hacked by someone using the name 'Ethical Spectrum.' After posting a quick message to confirm the hack, an image was posted that allegedly depicts Supercell's in-house analytics dashboard, which revealed a revenue of $5.15m for February 7, 2014. |
If you haven't gotten around to downloading Flappy Bird yet, you'd better get on that. By this time tomorrow, the app will be gone. Creator Dong Nguyen broke the news on , and that he still makes games. I suppose that overwhelming success really is overwhelming. |
Here's a question for everyone reading right now: if you were stranded on a deserted island for a year and could only bring three video games with you to help pass the time, which ones would you choose? I forgot to mention that the deserted island conveniently has a fully charged iPad on the beach and a higher-end gaming PC made out of coconuts and palm trees. Well as for me, I would probably bring a handful of great iOS games, a couple of my favorite Double Fine adventures, and maybe even a bundle of indie games or two as well. Okay, so I guess that was WAY more than three games. But at least it's a good thing that we're not stranded on a deserted island, and that all of these things and more are currently experiencing some awesome price cuts all across the internet! |
Tell me if this sound familiar: Everybody you know is talking about , so you gave it a download. Two minutes later, you erased it from your phone (along with the contact information of everybody you know who recommended the damned thing). You like a good challenge, but you'd prefer something with a little more polish. A little more substance. Something that you'd be proud recommending, but at the same time, something that will kill you in seconds without hesitation. Something that keeps you coming back for more. Worried you won't find anything that's both difficult and divine? Don't worry - we've got you covered. |
For the second time in less than a week, a game from an unknown game developer with sub-par graphics and simplistic gameplay has rocketed to the top of Apple's App Store charts.
Red Bouncing Ball Spikes has arisen from nowhere to take the number paid app position in Apple's App Store, blowing our minds away and making us wonder what in the heck is happening. Unlike Flappy Bird which became a global game phenomenon can be explained partly by social media, evidence suggests the pathway of Red Bouncing Ball Spikes to the top may be a bit more suspicious. |
As any editor working in the mobile space will tell you, we get a lot of emails every week pitching us new games. It's well into the hundreds, and - for obvious reasons - we can't cover everything. As a result, it takes something really special to catch our eye. The following sentence from Miles Tilmann of Pixeljam is the very definition of that something special: "It's a hybrid of Galaga-style shoot em' up, simple platforming action and Saturday morning cartoon." If that description doesn't get your blood pumping, you must not have any blood left to pump... which is fine, because if you're not looking forward to , you're dead to me already. (KIDDING! You know we love you. Don't stop reading Gamezebo.) |
Naughty Kitties is an adorable, energetic mash-up of two genres that excel on mobile: endless runner and tower defense. It's a unique pairing that works surprisingly well. The nonstop obstacles of the ever-scrolling runner have become targets that must be destroyed instead of dodged. The strategic unit positioning and between-game level-ups of tower defense offer more activities than your standard jump, duck, dive. The kitties are icing on the already delicious gameplay fishcake. Unfortunately, despite a strong base and charming theme, Naughty Kitties falls short of revolutionary. Runs are often repetitive and unbalanced, crawling through boring spans of enemy-free territory until you hit an overly aggressive and indefensible attack. Its freemium model forces frequent downtime on players through an easily-emptied energy meter. Kitties are expensive and difficult to unlock, resulting in replaying levels with the same units again and again. The result is a game that's great fun for the first dozen or so runs, but inevitably grind-heavy for players who don't wish to shell out real clams. |
We still don't really know how went from obscurity to celebrity seemingly overnight - the number of theories I've read this week would put the JFK conspiracy to shame. Beyond that, though, there's been another question we've quietly been pondering. Has the game's instant notoriety translated into any real cash for creator Dong Nguyen? It has, it turns out. And it's a lot. |
In the midst of their recent financial woes, Nintendo is currently looking at a great state of transition, or as others might even call it, a great state of turmoil. So to help get themselves out of this rut, the Mushroom Kingdom creators have been slowly investigating other areas of the industry, including the potential of game development on tablets and smartphones: something that most mobile gamers have been dying to hear for quite a while now. Maybe it's because of their bright and colorful worlds, or their quirky characters and lighthearted stories, but the general consensus has been that Nintendo games would just go hand-in-hand with the nature of mobile gaming. Well I'm not so sure. |
Ever since Flappy Bird became the #1 free game on the App Store and Google Play, developers have been wrestling with one question: How in the world did this happen? The answer should be both encouraging and discouraging for the games industry. The good news is that the dream is still alive for the indie developer. The bad news is that the entire foundation on which the multi-billion mobile games industry has been built on just maybe complete nonsense. |
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