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Doodle Kingdom Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 24.01.2014 12:00 | 16 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

After several games and staked its claim in the gaming world by having players combine two different elements in order to create a third, and then using that third to create a fourth, and so on until a rich and resource-filled world materialized right before their very eyes. While Doodle Kingdom builds upon this tried and true formula with a fresh thematic twist, the game also tries a few new things to usher in this latest era in the Doodle universe as well.

This time around, there are an initial 116 elements to discover across 13 different categories, and if you're a fan of any Doodle game before it, then the odds are you'll feel right at home in this one. Things start out simple enough, with your typical "Human + Forest = Berries and Lumber" equations, until the main draw of Doodle Kingdom begins to kick in: the medieval fantasy elements! Given its name, the game has an inherently medieval theme, and a lot of the elements you'll discover fit into this mold perfectly: from Golems and Dwarves, to Catapults and Forges, to even Unicorns and a Pegasus. It's certainly a breath of fresh air for the game and the series, and one that really ramps up the challenge by forcing you to push your imagination to its limit (related: if anyone knows what the heck a Unicorn can be combined with, you know where to reach me).

Source: www.gamezebo.com

In social casino games, customer service matters (iPad)

Added: 24.01.2014 11:18 | 7 views | 0 comments

When you think of customer service in casino games, your mind probably goes to friendly dealers, understanding security, and a buffet table that never runs low. But when you're playing casino games in the comfort of your browser on Facebook, none of these trappings should affect your experience.

So why does customer service matter? Because it makes money, that's why.

Tags: When, Because
Source: www.gamezebo.com

This Week in China: Less jailbreaking, more Clash of Clans (iPad)

Added: 24.01.2014 10:25 | 5 views | 0 comments

2013 was a big year for Clash of Clans. So much so that we didn't hesitate to call it to your bookmarks folder.

Tags: Class, Leaf
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Aerena: Clash of Champions Preview (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 23.01.2014 14:00 | 14 views | 0 comments

On another planet Earth that's very different from ours, human history has taken a dark turn. The discovery of Aether early in the 20th Century granted mankind almost limitless power - and sparked a war for control of that power unlike any ever seen. Great Aether-powered flying machines plied the skies, raining devastation down upon the cities below until there was virtually nothing left. From the ashes of civilization, a desperate humanity founded the United Nations, which took control of the few remaining Aether extractors and replaced war with The Games - battles between champions for control of the Aether.

That's the story behind Aerena: Clash of Champions, the new online battle arena game from Cliffhanger Productions, and it's a pretty good one. "We're proud of the original story behind Aerena (actually we got carried away and wrote MUCH more than necessary), and this will increasingly show in the upcoming versions," Creative Director Jan Wagner told me. "I think the care and love for the universe we created helps set us apart from the more utilitarian approach of many other games."

Tags: Green, Games, United, Preview, Earth, Creation, Director, Class
Source: www.gamezebo.com

We're livestreaming on Twitch RIGHT NOW! (iPad)

Added: 23.01.2014 13:36 | 4 views | 0 comments

Love video games? So do we. And as you can probably guess, we play a lot of them. But playing them alone is only so much fun - come watch us play on Twitch right now! Like all media darlings, we can't help but love an audience.

If you like what you see,

Tags: Live, Lots
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Asia is now the leading app market in the world (iPad)

Added: 23.01.2014 10:54 | 5 views | 0 comments

There's no denying how far the world of mobile applications has come since the early days of smartphones and tablets, but the number of people who are still jumping on board in other parts of the world? It's skyrocketing. Distimo, the popular application analytics company, has today released their January 2014 report. And the findings this month are nothing short of eye-opening: Asia has become the world's most lucrative continent for mobile application downloads.

In the new report titled "Asia: The Leading App Market in the World," Distimo extracted data and revenue estimates from both Apple App Store and Google Play app downloads for the month of December 2013. And as it turns out, their findings show just how big a force that Asia has become in the mobile games space today, accounting for 41% of the entire global revenue last month, with North America trailing behind at 31%. The numbers have risen a whopping 162% since last year (as compared to North America's 46%), which is thanks to Google Play downloads quadrupling since December 2012.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Naughty Kitties Preview (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 23.01.2014 10:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

On the distant Cat's Planet, a war is waging. An army of blobby alien invaders, cozy and confident in their heavily-armed spaceships, are attempting to invade. While they've come equipped with lasers, mines, and missiles, the cats refuse to surrender. In an attempt to protect their home world and everything they hold dear--naps and snacks--the cats take to the air and fight back.

This fight is the basis for Coconut Island's upcoming strategic runner, Naughty Kitties. One part tower defense, one part endless runner, and all parts adorable, Naughty Kitties successfully combines twitchy reaction gaming with a need for pre-planning and forethought. Each play is a distance-scored run graded by how many kilometers your kitties' ship manages to fly before being destroyed. On the destroying end of that equation are the alien attackers, flying at and into your ship with guns blazing and bombs exploding, continuously reducing your ship's health meter with each direct hit.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

New iOS Games Tonight: In Fear I Trust, Age of Booty: Tactics and more! (iPad)

Added: 22.01.2014 17:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

Sometimes when it really starts to snow like it does so often in the month of January, there's nothing I love more than making a cup of hot chocolate (with marshmallows of course) and losing myself in the engrossing and hopefully much warmer worlds of my favorite mobile games. Well tonight's new iOS releases should make us all quickly forget about the ongoing cold, as their bright and unique worlds look to offer us the perfect escape from brushing the snow off our cars.

For instance, there's no time to think about being cold when you're living in a constant state of fear and trying to solve one eerie puzzle after the next. There's also no snow on the open pirate-filled seas, or in a warm house that's covered in trap-guarded cheese. So put another log in the fire, crack open that brand new bag of marshmallows, and get ready to sink into an exciting new world, because here are a few of the great new games that are headed to an iOS device near you later on tonight!

Tags: Games
Source: www.gamezebo.com

It's Good to be King in Mobile Games #MGF2014 (iPad)

Added: 22.01.2014 13:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

I am not talking about the makers of Candy Crush Saga, though I guess I could be. Spending the day at the , the most obvious observation is this: to be successful in games in 2014, you need to have either have a lot of luck, or an even greater amount of money.

How much? I have heard through very people that some ad campaigns are starting at $500,000. Yes, I just said $500,000. And that is just for one ad campaign at launch.

The problem is that with so many games being released, it's very hard to be discovered. The best way is to get in the top lists of Apple's App Store or Google Play, but once you are in that top list you're spending a lot of the money you're making to stay on top. Plus you're crowding everyone else out and making it more expensive for them in the process.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

17 great Twitter reactions to King's trademark craziness (iPad)

Added: 22.01.2014 11:36 | 6 views | 0 comments

If there's one word that's on the tip of everybody's tongues this week, it's ). Here's the best of what the internet has had to say about it:

Tags: Twitter
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Boulder Dash - 30th Anniversary is coming in early 2014 (iPad)

Added: 22.01.2014 10:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

I've mentioned before how 2014 is already shaping up to be the year of long-awaited sequels, from launches in early 2014? Well for one thing, Gray and Liepa have made over 50 levels full of brand-spanking-new worlds, creatures, and gem combos to encounter. Everything is rendered in beautiful 3D graphics and animations thanks to the power of the Unity Engine, and players will even be able to enjoy a cave editor mode and second playable character, Crystal.

Tags: Daly, Grab
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Timing is everything for Ryan Payton's République (iPad)

Added: 21.01.2014 16:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

, theKickstarter-funded debut project from Camouflaj, didn't make any "Best of 2013" lists from the larger sites covering the mobile games industry. That's not an indictment on the quality of the game, but rather a reflection of the fact that it was released in the back half of December, when all of the decisions on what ends up on those lists were already made.

It wasn't supposed to be like that. Camouflaj founder and head honcho Ryan Payton had been pushing his team to get the first chapter of its episodic saga out before a certain console game launched. The title in question was Ubisoft's Watch Dogs, and while its alternate reality take on contemporary Chicago is a far cry from the totalitarian society depicted in République, there are definite similarities in the way the games approach the pros and cons of living in connected societies.

Still, it wasn't until he saw a demonstration of Watch Dogs protagonist Aiden Pearce hacking security cameras that he started to get some twinges of panic.

Tags: Watch, Been, Ryus
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Mega Jump 2 Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 21.01.2014 15:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

A lot has certainly happened in the world of mobile gaming since Get Set Games' original experience. And then it's one more power-up and before you know it, you're skyrocketing through the clouds without a care once again.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

X-Men: Battle of the Atom Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 21.01.2014 14:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

X-Men: Battle of the Atom is a new free-to-play card battle game that lets you face off against the forces of evil at the head of a famous band of mutant superheroes including Scotius Summerisle, Stepford Cuckoos, the Glob, Cipher, and Cypher. Wait, who?

If you're a casual X-Men fan - you enjoyed the movies, maybe read a few trade paperbacks - then the first thing to know about Battle of the Atom is that it's probably not the X-Men you X-pect. As a tie-in with the "Battle of the Atom" comic crossover that began in the fall of 2013, the mobile game features "hundreds of characters spanning 50 years of X-Men history," according to the App Store description. To fill a roster that broad, Aeria Mobile brought in just about everyone who ever appeared in a mutant comic book, from past, present, future, and even alternate worlds.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Make a game to fight trademark trolling in Candy Jam (iPad)

Added: 21.01.2014 11:57 | 8 views | 0 comments

If there's one word I'd use to describe independent game developers, it's... well, independent. They don't like being told what they can't do. So what a big company like King comes along and trademarks a word like 'candy,' indie game devs get understandably grumpy.

In response to King's actions ( account.

Tags: Mask, Kids
Source: www.gamezebo.com

King: We don't enforce against all uses of CANDY (iPad)

Added: 21.01.2014 10:32 | 15 views | 0 comments

On Monday morning, Gamezebo broke news of a story too strange to be believed. King, the makers of Candy Crush Saga, had . While this won't affect the likes of Skittles or SweeTarts, app developers whose games have 'candy' in their name braced for the oncoming storm.

But according to a King spokesperson, that storm may not really be coming.

"We have trademarked the word 'CANDY' in the EU, as our IP is constantly being infringed and we have to enforce our rights and to protect our players from confusion. We don't enforce against all uses of CANDY - some are legitimate and of course, we would not ask App developers who use the term legitimately to stop doing so."

Source: www.gamezebo.com

RHYTHM THIEF the Paris Caper Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 21.01.2014 7:00 | 15 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

Attention, rhythm game enthusiasts: Rhythm Thief & The Paris Caper is not a straight port of Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure for the Nintendo 3DS. It's actually a title engineered specifically for mobile platforms, and it apes - curiously enough - the hit card/battle game

[Audience groans in disappointment]

Yeah, it's a bit of a bummer, but it's not a washout. Rhythm Thief & The Paris Caper is certainly interesting, and it has moments where it shines as brightly as a disco ball on Saturday night. Unfortunately, its disjointed pacing, frequent loading times, and panhandling for in-app purchases bust up its rhythm.

You play through The Paris Caper as Raphael, a young man who's a shy Parisian student by day and the notorious art thief "Phantom R" by night. Though he lifts art, Phantom R is actually on the trail of his father who vanished several years prior without an explanation.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

X-Men: Battle of the Atom Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 20.01.2014 15:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

X-Men: Battle of the Atom is a card battle game from Aeria Mobile, wherein you will be able to take control of all your favorite X-Men characters and lead them into battle. Being able to take on all of the villains in the X-Men universe isn't always an easy task, but with Gamezebo's quick start guide you'll have all of the tips, tricks, and walkthroughs you'll need to stay ahead of the game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

NBA Rush Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 20.01.2014 13:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

You would think that the life of an NBA player is stressful enough trying to figure out how to dethrone LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, and the Miami Heat. But no, we're asking them to fend off alien invasions too. If you think I'm just babbling incoherently, you need to check out NBA Rush, a competent but unspectacular endless runner made notable mostly by the unusual premise I just laid out.

Granted, RenRen Games could have made this just another sports-themed runner, so the devs get props for coming up with something different. Yet it's never really explained why NBA stars would be the proper people to help fight off the aliens, except, I guess, that they look more like super heroes than mere athletes thanks to the game's angular, stylized art.

No matter. The game gets you right into the action with controls very familiar to anyone who's ever played anything in this genre: swipe to either side to switch lanes, swipe up to jump, and swipe down to slide under certain obstacles. Notice how your player keeps his dribble going at all times? You wouldn't want to be called for traveling or double dribbling, even under these dire circumstances.

Along the way, you'll be looking to pick up coins, but also to defeat the aliens whenever possible. The ones on the ground can be defeated by jumping on them, which also gives you a boost to get on top of otherwise unreachable places. Flying aliens are a little trickier, as you have to wait until you find a "DUNK" icon to be able to smash their flying saucers with some seriously aggressive jams.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

King has trademarked the word CANDY (and you're probably infringing) (iPad)

Added: 20.01.2014 10:56 | 4 views | 0 comments

When you have an intellectual property - especially one that's worth millions of dollars - you want to protect it. But can such protections ever go too far? That's the question a lot of industry watchers are asking this morning, as developers far and wide whose games include the word 'candy' are getting emails from Apple on behalf of King, the makers of . Benny's game, which shares no similarities with King's properties aside from the word 'candy,' is one of a number of games that have been targeted by King.

Tags: When, Kids
Source: www.gamezebo.com

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