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PopCap CEO Dave Roberts to retire next week (iPad)

Added: 03.01.2014 14:13 | 7 views | 0 comments

It has been reported today that Dave Roberts will be stepping down as CEO from PopCap Games effective next week, as the studio responsible for plans to get back to their development roots for 2014. In addition, chief game designer Jason Kapalka will also been leaving the PvZ studio shortly. Taking over Roberts' position will be the last remaining co-founder of PopCap, John Vechey. Will this usher in a new era for the popular developer of casual games?

If anything, it seems that PopCap's plans for the future are a little bit mixed right now. On the one hand, Vechey has been quoted in an exclusive interview with GamesBeat as saying "PopCap's mission right now is to create the greatest mobile game studio in the world, and we're going to do that by only making games that are beloved by players." Yet in the same interview, it is also stated that PopCap plans to expand beyond the realm of mobile going forward, in attempt to "get back to the place where we used to be."

Tags: Games, Daly, With, Been, John
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Feed Me Oil 2 Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 03.01.2014 13:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

Feed Me Oil 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the quirky and offbeat 2011 physics-puzzler . At the start of each stage, players are tasked with placing various objects on the screen to help guide a stream of oil from a starting faucet and into a finishing area, designated by a dotted white line. You'll then hit a play button to see if your setup worked, adjusting and trying again if your calculations were a little bit off: these mech-animals are pretty hungry after all, and you'll need to deliver a numerical amount of oil to each one of them. Players can earn three stars in each stage by using the least amount of available parts to complete their oil feeding requirements.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

This Week in China: IGN goes east (iPad)

Added: 03.01.2014 11:47 | 3 views | 0 comments

With a new year freshly underway, new beginnings are in order - and for IGN, that means starting a brand new website in China. And that's not the only news that broke this week. While the west is still sleeping off a New Year's hangover, business has been in full swing in China. Lawsuits, marketing, and more made the list of this week's happenings.

Thanks, as always, to our friends at Beijing-based Laohu.com for providing us with the following insights into the Chinese games market. If you're looking for daily info, be sure to bookmark Laohu.com to stay on top of everything that's happening in the most populous country in the world.

Tags: With, While
Source: www.gamezebo.com

2014 Predictions from Gamezebo's Founder, Joel Brodie (iPad)

Added: 03.01.2014 9:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Looking over how well I did with my (>50% accuracy, thank you very much), the pressure is on for this year. Do I play it safe (e.g., say Zynga will shed another 25% of its staff in layoffs) or throw caution in the wind?

You know the answer. Let's go game prediction crazy!

Tags: John
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Games Like Candy Crush Saga (iPad)

Added: 02.01.2014 17:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

In our nice little corner of the gaming world, King's match-3 puzzle hybrid has become the Grand Theft Auto V, the Beyoncé, and The New York Yankees all rolled up into one. Simply put, the game is huge. And when a new game manages to take the entire industry by storm like Candy Crush did, well you know what that means: tons of clones from other developers begin popping up to try and recapture the magic of the original.

You've probably already played a game or two that was somewhat "like" Candy Crush Saga before, and so we thought it'd only be fitting to gather a list of some of the best like-minded experiences we've seen in one convenient place for you right here. And if you're ever planning on making your own match-3 game that plays like Candy Crush Saga, you'll want to include candy, jewels, or fruit, and throw in the word "mania" at the end of your title!

Tags: Games, Says, Live, There, Grade, Auto, Grand Theft, Theft Auto, York, The New
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Farm Heroes Saga is now available on iOS and Android worldwide (iPad)

Added: 02.01.2014 14:36 | 2 views | 0 comments

At the beginning of December, we and redresses it in a bubblier (and albeit healthier) environment full of tasty farm crops. But despite the change in the items you'll be matching, that addictive gameplay is still ever intact. And now that we can play it on our smartphones wherever we go? Well now that's just downright dangerous. But who really wants to make eye contact with other people these days anyways?

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 02.01.2014 13:42 | 9 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

Why does Sonic need a car to race? One must wonder if it's this inevitable, always-inane question that helped inspire the developers at Sumo Digital to create a game in which moving along the ground at high speeds is not always the key to victory. In Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, you'll not only need to master the fine art of automobile racing, but you'll also need to display dominance in soaring through the sky and riding the waves in order to succeed and capture the checkered flag.

Of course, if you've managed to play the game on the PC or one of its many handheld and high-definition console releases from just over a year ago, then you already knew this. With that experience, you might think you know just what to expect from the new mobile release. And to a certain extent, you would be correct.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

2014 Predictions from Gamezebo's Associate Editor, Joe Jasko (iPad)

Added: 02.01.2014 11:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Making predictions can always be a dangerous thing, because when you're actually right about something, there's no quicker way to making you feel like the next Nostradamus. Well right now, I think there's only one gaming prediction that can be made with 100% certainty of it actually happening: 2014 is going to bring some wonderful new gaming experiences! But you didn't need me to tell you that, now did you? Let's try and make some more specific predictions about the future of video games, shall we?

Yesterday we got to see some , but today it's my turn. And I've decided to delve into everything from book publishers creating more video games, to Nintendo's reluctant future in the mobile games space. Think I'm right? Think I couldn't be more wrong? Weigh in with your thoughts on my predictions down in the replies, and let us know what YOU think the gaming world will have in store for 2014!

Tags: Thief
Source: www.gamezebo.com

New iOS Games Tonight: Jet Car Stunts 2, Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed and more! (iPad)

Added: 01.01.2014 17:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Well it looks like we made it fellow gamers: 2014 has arrived! And while most of us are either still recovering from a night spent out in the freezing cold at Times Squares to watch the ball drop, or battling a stomachache from eating one too many pigs in a blanket, there's nothing that cures those New Year's Day blues than a fresh batch of brand new mobile games. And luckily for you, in a few short hours you'll be getting just that!

And since we're on the topic of ringing in the New Year, one of my immediate New Year's resolutions is to play every single new iOS game that will be hitting the App Store later on tonight: from a very transformative SEGA-themed racer, to a long-awaited sequel that has you pulling off some more exhilarating vehicle stunts. Of course, sitting in front of my iPad all night sure won't be helping my other "get more exercise" resolution, but I guess we all need to make sacrifices every now and again.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

2014 Predictions from Gamezebo's Editor-in-Chief, Jim Squires (iPad)

Added: 01.01.2014 10:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

I'm entering into this year's predictions far more humble than I did 2013's. Why? But that's ok - life is a learning experience, and I've learned to keep my predictions a tad more realistic. So with that in mind, I'M GONNA PREDICT SO HARD YOUR FACE IS GOING TO MELT.

Can I break the bad predictions curse? We'll find out in twelve months. See you in 2015, doubters!!

(Geez, I really hope I got it right this time).

Tags: DICE
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Legend of Equip Pants Review (iPhone, iPad, Online)

Added: 31.12.2013 16:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 60

Those of us old enough to remember playing the very first Dragon Warrior game on the NES can also remember giggling over the option to buy "Clothes" as a starter armor set for our hero. "What, was the hero naked before we bought the Clothes?" we asked each other.

Of course, our 8-bit hero wasn't actually naked (or at least we couldn't see his shame because of the NES's graphical limitations and/or Nintendo's strict censorship policies at the time). However, the legacy of the naked hero continues with Legend of Equip Pants, an odd, odd adventure game fueled by jokes about underwear, shorts, and pantaloons.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

2013 Predictions: Were we right? (iPad)

Added: 31.12.2013 13:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

As 2013 draws to a close, it's time to look ahead to what 2014 might bring in our great parade of Gamezebo predictions. Before we do, though, I think it's important that we hold ourselves accountable for the sins of the past: namely, our 2013 predictions.

Were we right? Were we wrong? There's only one way to find out. Check out everything predicted by Gamezebo Founder Joel Brodie, Editor-in-Chief Jim Squires, and former Associate Editor Dant Rambo at the beginning of 2013 to see how right we were. (SPOILER: we were about 67% right).

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Game of the Year 2013 - Kentucky Route Zero (iPad)

Added: 31.12.2013 7:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a game inside a dream? That's exactly what feels like. Everything is normal, except it's not. Everything makes sense, except it doesn't. Context ceases to apply. Every bit of strangeness is met with a mix of hesitation and acceptance.

You're in an office building that seems to be both inside and outside simultaneously. The third floor is populated solely by bears. Yet all the while, business as usual is being conducted. People are at their desks. Proposals are being looked over. There's a receptionist who insists you jump through the necessary red tape before seeing someone. Moments like this are what Kentucky Route Zero is made of: that strange sense that lives inside of dreams, where no matter how fantastic the elements at play may seem in retrospect, they're merely unsettling at the time - like puzzle pieces that don't quite fit.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Oasis: Path to Redemption Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 30.12.2013 16:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

The thing about most endless runners is that, by virtue of their very name, they tend to be endless. This can be a bit of a problem at times, particularly when there's a narrative by which the inevitable mark of failure can yield some rather . Oasis: Path to Redemption is not like that, however; a fact it proudly boasts as it promises a defined ending. That said, just because it has an ending (and five worlds to traverse in order to get there) doesn't mean that it is by any means easy.

Oasis also favors itself as an RPG ("Action RPG Runner" in full), though this isn't really much the case; as you run along and take down one foe after another, you'll gain experience which you can use to acquire new skills, thus allowing you to progress even further... at least, in theory. Of course, so many games allow for experience and leveling up that those traits are hardly unique to RPGs any more, but that's getting off on another tangent.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

2013 was the year of... (iPad)

Added: 30.12.2013 13:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Open-ended questions are tough. Depending on which lens you view the last year through, '2013 was the year of...' could be answered a lot of different ways. We can the last year through our personal experiences as gamers, as industry watchers, as developers, as financial analysts - everybody wears a different hat, and everyone's '2013 was' would be different.

As the Editor-in-Chief of Gamezebo, these are mine. There's a mix of industry observation, personal feelings, and unavoidable truths - but what I really what to write about are YOUR thoughts on what 2013 was the year of. Unfortunately for me, the only one who can do that is you.

Once you've read through my thoughts on the year, let us hear yours in the comments below! What do you think 2013 was the year of?

Tags: Onto, When, China
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Dungelot 2 coming in January (iPad)

Added: 30.12.2013 10:30 | 14 views | 0 comments

You know what's better than Dungelot? MORE Dungelot. The original netted a near perfect score in our review back in January 2013, and it looks like the folks at RedWinter Software are ready to revisit this refreshing roguelike with the release of

Source: www.gamezebo.com

The Best Games of 2013: #5-#2 (iPad)

Added: 30.12.2013 7:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

When you get this deep into a year-end countdown, you're starting to look at the best of the best. Everything on today's list, without exception, was a serious contender for Game of the Year. And while none of them snagged that brass ring in the end, there's no denying it: these are some of the best games that 2013 had to offer. If you only play five games from 2013, this is where to start.

Of course, if you're looking to play even more than that, be sure to check out our previous best of picks for the year, which you can find at these handy links: .

Tags: Games, Gain, When, Been
Source: www.gamezebo.com

10 Awesome Indie Games You May Have Missed During 2013 (iPad)

Added: 28.12.2013 10:52 | 4 views | 0 comments

In years past, the week between Christmas and New Years Day is when the annual "Best of" lists pop up. This year will be no different: Best of 2013 awards are already popping up all over the internet, . From the best first-person shooters to the best puzzle platformers, seemingly every category gets its moment in the spotlight, and the games highlighted get one last pat on the back before a new year full of new games comes kicking down the door.

The amount of games that come out every month (even more now that early-build releases are common) is overwhelming. Understandably, gamers simply don't have the time or the budget to keep up with every release. Plenty of great games flew under the radar this year, so I wanted to take a few moments to share with our readers ten awesome indie games that you may have overlooked in 2013.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Big Win Racing Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 27.12.2013 19:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

Sometimes it's smart just to recognize you've got a good thing going. Hothead Games has done that by expanding its Big Win series of sports games to all the major stick-and-ball sports. But just when it appeared there were no more ways to expand the brand, along comes Big Win Racing. It's the tried and true formula of light sports sim plus collectible card elements applied to stock car racing, and it adds up to something pretty good.

Your climb to the top of this particular racing world starts out in humble fashion. A pack of starter cards gives your team a foundation, though it's not one you want to rely on for very long. Where the other Big Win titles revolve around building the best possible team of athletes, you obviously only have the driver and the car here (and some people don't consider drivers athletes, but that's a subject for another forum).

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Cat Story Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 27.12.2013 18:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Cat Story is a free-to-play time management game where you are tasked with exploring an island upon which your feline explorer has been shipwrecked. You'll scour the island for wreckage, scavenge for materials, and more to ensure your cat's story isn't cut short. Gamezebo's quick-start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

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