The Room Two Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android) | Added: 17.12.2013 12:00 | 8 views | 0 comments
Mech Battle Arena Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad) | Added: 17.12.2013 10:00 | 22 views | 0 comments
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Panda Pop Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad) Added: 16.12.2013 18:00 | 6 views | 0 comments
Cabela's Big Game Hunter is a hunting game created by Activision. It's a whirlwind tour through various locales with lots and lots of fuzzy and feathery critters to shoot and mount in your own personal trophy room. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
With the recent surge of , the giant robot battle genre has carved a significant niche, but has still been a non-factor on mobile devices. With the release of Mech Battle Arena, Glu Mobile aims to change that. Sadly, the final product is a game that's unpolished and outright bad in all the wrong places. From the start, something didn't feel right with Mech Battle Arena. When I first booted up the game, I was greeted with a tutorial that summarized the controls in battle. Combat uses a simple dual-analog style of control where the left side of the screen allows you to move your robot while the right side lets you aim, fire your weapon, and switch between weapons. While the controls are standard, the weapon switching buttons are unfortunately placed next to the fire button, where I found myself accidentally hitting them with frequency. |
We don't want to, you know, spread rumors, but word around the jungle is that pandas are having a hard time propagating. For whatever reason, the beloved black-and-white bears just don't like getting freaky and making babies. The panda species need not fret, however: Extinction is not as close as you might believe. It's all thanks to the herculean efforts of the mama panda starring in Panda Pop. We don't know how she's producing so many cubs, but oh boy, she's doing it. She doesn't have time to give lessons, unfortunately. All those cubs have been stuffed into bubbles by an evil baboon that assumedly wants to sell the critters like trashy tourist trinkets. You must help mama rescue her vast brood by matching three or more same-colored bubbles. If a baby panda is trapped in one of those bubbles, it'll float back down to earth. Yes, Panda Pop is yet another bubble-popper. Don't send it off to be processed into pet food just yet, though. Its content may be as surprising as black and white on a panda's coat, but the entire package is put together nicely. |
It was more than two months ago that I took my first tentative steps into the hunting game genre when I reviewed style game of dodging. |
Hotels are weird places. Whether it's a scream-worthy shower at the Bates or an extended stay at The Overlook, something strange is always bound to happen. Before you arrived at Hotel Enigma, one of the guests disappeared. Literally disappeared. Everyone is a suspect, so the hotel has been put on lockdown. Room by room you'll carry out your investigation, searching high and low for the items you need to solve the case! At Hotel Enigma, things are a little less murderey than most fictional hotels, though don't think there's an ounce less intrigue packed behind these cherry-stained doors. You'll move between areas completing round after round of hidden object scenes as you gather clues and learn about the guests currently lurking inside the hotel's walls. Eventually you'll find out what happened to your room's previous occupant, but you can bet your polyester necktie it won't be a simple whodunit. |
The Room Two is a first-person puzzle adventure game from Fireproof Games in which you must solve complex and eerie puzzle boxes. Gamezebo's walkthrough will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.
Angry Birds Go! is a kart racing game created by Rovio. Angry Birds Go! challenges players to participate in a variety of races across a selection of wacky courses. Victory brings in coins that can be used to upgrade your karts, as well as unlock new racers for your team. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to race with your feathered friends. |
Within Mansion Lord players will have the opportunity to build a mansion, invite wealthy guests over for dinner, hire detectives when those wealthy guests end up murdering one another, and ultimately collect the bounty offered for the arrest of the murder. The developer, Golgom Games, is combining a number of game types into Mansion Lord, and thus players can expect to find tile-based world-building, turn-based RPG encounters, and business simulation mechanics, all within the game. Players will be able to tailor their mansion in order to draw in more elusive murderers (who are tagged with bigger bounties). Using Mansion Lord's suspect database system, players can check out the likes and dislikes of a specific killer, and plan accordingly. Once the killer is cornered, the turn-based system comes into play, and strategic planning is necessary in order to capture the criminal. The detectives then earn experience points which can be used to upgrade their skill-sets and equipment. |
As a kid growing up, for me, the most exciting part of Christmas was always the night before, trying to go to sleep but instead only thinking about Santa coming and dropping off all the presents. In Quiet Christmas, it's not just the excitement keeping the protagonist up. Players will have to navigate through the 2D adventure game in search of solutions to all of the problems currently keeping the protagonist awake at night. From a broken heater to obnoxious neighbors, players have plenty to do before, as the rhyme goes, "not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." As a lighthearted (and seasonal) spiritual successor to Nostatic Software's . The game is available for 99-cents on all platforms. |
Available now for both the iPhone and iPad, Tarzan Unleashed is a free-to-play endless-runner set in the universe of Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan series. In the game players will take on the role of the vine-swinging legend as they swing, slide, dodge, and jump their way through Tarzan Unleashed's procedurally generated content. Fruit is the currency of the game, and players should strive to collect as much of it as possible, since it can be used to unlock character upgrades and boosts. Diligent players will even be able to unlock Jane and Cheeta as playable characters. "Legacy is excited to be the first company to bring the rich legend of Tarzan to a whole new generation of mobile game players," said Ariella Lehrer, CEO of Legacy Games, in a press release. "For more than 100 years, Tarzan has inspired movies, TV shows, animation, and comic books. Now Tarzan is swinging onto touch screen devices, the ideal platform for this iconic license, and bellowing his infamous yell." |
There's something romantic about the idea that someone could start out brewing beer in his or her own basement and wind up taking the world of adult beverages by storm. If you don't think trying to live out that fantasy sounds like good fodder for a mobile sim/RPG, Bit By Bit Studios begs to differ. Fiz: The Brewery Management Game has risen , you've got to start from the bottom of the beer world before you can get on. When a new game of Fiz begins, all you've got is your own character, three buddies, some rudimentary brewing equipment, a few recipes, and some big dreams. You also own a couch (good for sitting on) and what appears to be an eight-bit NES, which is appropriate since the game is rendered in retro pixel graphics.
The semi-mystical figure Cyrus Uprum drops by in short order to introduce you to the wonders of beer-making. A menu in the upper-left corner is where the magic starts, allowing you to access the recipes you know and additional ones you can buy or learn. The actual brewing process begins by buying the proper ingredients to fill a given recipe and assigning your team members to one of four tasks: cleaning, mashing and boiling, fermenting and packaging. |
Looking at this week's Chinese news roundup (that was graciously provided by our friends at, there's one theme that seems to recur again and again: Western brands are popular in China. Don't believe me? Check the roundup for yourself. There are mobile happenings that involve an American movie brand, a US fast food chain, and even a few chart-topping Western mobile games. If you like what you see here, be sure to check out for yourself. While they're kind enough to share the top news from China each week with Gamezebo, they're also grinding out news 24/7 for the Chinese market - and with the help of a service like Babelfish or Google Translate, you can dive in to all of it. |
Could you imagine a world in which free games and sales simply did not exist? I almost shudder at the thought, as everyone in the world would have to buy their video games at full retail prices forevermore, and probably a lot less of them, at that. But on the flipside, at least gamers like me wouldn't have these massive backlogs of games that they'll probably never even get around to playing! Well luckily for us, we don't live in such a dismal and dark place devoid of gaming sales, and as a matter of fact, we've found a bunch of great ones that are going on this very minute! From huge price drops on the App Store, to wonderful indie bundles, to massive holiday sales, I think we all should go indulge in these countless gaming deals in celebration that we actually have them! |
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