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Farm Heroes Saga now fits in your pocket (in select markets) (iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 14:39 | 5 views | 0 comments

If you're a fan of King's style of play, you've had plenty to get excited about in the last few weeks. Whether it's , we were quick to point out both it' addictive nature and occasionally frustrating difficulty - two hallmarks of King game design. "It's the cutest game you'll ever rage at," reviewer Nadia Oxford said.

Tags: Heroes, Says, Fate, Kids
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Tank Domination Walkthrough (iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 14:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Tank Domination is a tank warfare game created by Game Insight. You'll purchase and customize an array of tanks, then join others online in ten-on-ten team tank battles. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Space Hulk Review (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 13:00 | 8 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Sci-fi tactical combat affair Space Hulk is widely acclaimed as one of the most atmospheric board games ever made. It's also commonly recognized as begging for the video game treatment, and yet in the 25 years since its release, all we had were some live-action titles and fan homages. The latest developer to tackle the licence is Full Control, and after a buggy PC release, the game has come to mobile.

The action is set amongst the tight corridors and tiny rooms of a derelict spacecraft, where heavily armed Space Marines square off against limitless hordes of slavering alien horrors called Genestealers. There's a series of missions with varied objectives like retrieving data collection devices or burning strategically important terrain points.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Fox announces Family Guy mobile game for 2014 (iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 11:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

Fox Digital Entertainment has announced today that Family Guy will be getting its very first officially licensed mobile game in 2014! As a huge fan of the popular cartoon show, this news couldn't be more exciting, as we've already seen how well some of Fox's other successful primetime cartoons have fared in the mobile games space, such as EA's in the past, and who have now doubled their team size to take on this ambitious new task.

While specific details about the game are still being kept under wraps for now, TinyCo says that Family Guy will be a simulation game of sorts, in which players will get a chance to recreate the town of Quahog where the Griffins and all of their friends reside on the show. However, both companies felt that similar games on the mobile platform today have been severely lacking in terms of a deep story and character interactions, and so with their new Family Guy game, a big emphasis will be placed on the many characters from the expansive Family Guy universe that fans of the series all know and love.

Tags: While, Digital
Source: www.gamezebo.com

KingHunt Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 10:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Billed as "The Next Generation Slicing Game," KingHunt is here to serve as a fitting reminder of why Halfbrick's was such a huge hit, and to give us some food for thought on what a deeper "slicing" experience could really be like in 2013. The evil Chef has taken off across the kingdom, wreaking havoc on the world as only evil chefs can do, and you've been tasked to travel in his footsteps and stop him. In each level, hoards of enemies, items, and even food products will be tossed up in front of you, and it's your job to swipe on the screen and cut them all into tiny little pieces.

Anyone who has ever played Fruit Ninja before will immediately feel right at home here in KingHunt, and it will only take newcomers to the genre a few seconds to get accustomed to the game too, for that matter; all you have to do is swipe your finger on the screen to slice stuff up, and away you go! In addition to the addictive slicing gameplay, KingHunt also benefits from paying close attention to the smaller details, like the different aftereffects of the enemies and objects you'll be chopping up: fruits will explode in delicious bouts of juice and seeds, while birds will burst in a giant cloud of feathers. But be careful though: there will also be plenty of bombs thrown into the mix, and later enemies can even slice back at you, which will deplete your health meter in a real hurry.

Tags: Review, Gamezebo, Huge
Source: www.gamezebo.com

See the next two projects from Telltale Games right now (iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 9:19 | 8 views | 0 comments

Love'em or hate'em, Spike TV's annual video game awards (now re-branded 'VGX') have become a pretty popular winter destination for new game reveals. The seedy, , which retained the visual stylings of Robert Kirkman's comic book rather than the grim and gritty reality of the AMC TV show.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Santa Claus and water slides come to Temple Run 2 (iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 9:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Can you believe it's almost been a year since first hit the App Store? I know, sometimes it feels like I've been running through those ancient ruins for most of my life! Well to commemorate this grand achievement today, Imangi Studios will be rolling out one of the biggest content updates that Temple Run 2 has ever seen since its initial launch.

The greatest draw of today's title update is the new inclusion of a water slide mechanic, which sends our hero careening down a slippery log-flume of sorts right in the middle of his harrowing escape! In addition to that, you'll also find a few holiday-themed items sprinkled over top, such as new artifacts like the Candy Cane, Stocking, Holly, Present, and Wreath, as well as an all-new character who dresses in red and has been known to say "Ho-ho-ho!" once or twice in his life.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Space Hulk Walkthrough (PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad)

Added: 10.12.2013 8:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

Space Hulk is a turn-based strategy game created by Full Control. Players take control of a space marine terminator squad aboard the titular "space hulk" to fend off hordes of alien infiltrators called genestealers. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Heroes of Dragon Age Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 09.12.2013 17:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Heroes of Dragon Age is a collectable card game created by EA. Using collectable heroes and fighters, players take on enemies as they work through the untold history of the Dragon Age series. There is also an option to battle directly with other players at your skill level. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to raise an historic army.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Lawless Walkthrough (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 16:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Lawless is an arcade shooter created by Mobage. It's an interesting mix of a sort of light gun arcade shooter and a collectible card (read: gun) game. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Government agents are spying on your World of Warcraft sessions (iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 15:30 | 3 views | 0 comments

As if internet users weren't paranoid enough about everything they do online being monitored by government officials, it was now revealed today that secret high-ranking government agencies have also been commissioning spies to infiltrate another place that hits a little too close to home: online fantasy games. That's right, according to several classified documents that were leaked by ex-NSA contractor, Edward J. Snowden, and The New York Times are both reporting that even online games are no longer safe from the government's prying ears and eyes.

The classified government documents claim that online gaming uses most of the technologies that criminals or terrorists would need to make their illegal transactions, such as fake names and voice chats: the idea being that these shady individuals could essentially use an online gaming server as a front to conduct their businesses, where no one would even expect it. So government officials from the C.I.A., F.B.I., and even the Pentagon began creating their own player avatars in games like World of Warcraft and Second Life to do some snooping of their own, through collecting player data, monitoring communications, and even trying to recruit informers. Seriously.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Tank Domination Review (iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 14:20 | 10 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

World of Tanks is, to put it bluntly, a phenomenon. While offering a different style of gameplay, I wouldn't hesitate to call World of Tanks as popular as other free-to-play multiplayer offerings like League of Legends or DOTA 2. And like those games, it was only a matter of time until somebody decided to take this winning formula mobile.

The "somebody" in this case isn't World of Tanks creators Wargaming.net (whose own mobile version, , was announced back in March), but Game Insight - a top developer of free-to-play games for the casual mobile market.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Lawless Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 13:00 | 10 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Mix one part Virtua Cop with a scoop of collectible card game and you have Lawless: a freemium action game that's all about relatively precise shooting and collecting lots and lots of guns. It makes for a surprisingly entertaining bite-sized arcade shooter, actually - although regrettably, some of the typical Mobage gouging does come into play.

The majority of your time spent playing Lawless will involve tapping the screen to shoot people. It's a rather basic idea, certainly, but there are other elements thrown into the mix to keep things from getting stale. Enemies move around, duck behind cover, and attack with their own firearms or even grenades (which must be shot out of the air to avoid damage). People you don't want to shoot, like civilians, run all over the map because logically the best place to go during a gunfight is right between the two shooters. Sometimes you'll be asked to maintain a certain accuracy percentage to earn a reward bonus. Other times you'll be required to use a specific category of weapon.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Lords of Waterdeep Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 12:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

Board games today are so much more than the simple Parker Brothers games of our youth. Moving pieces around squares with the occasional twist is where most of us start our cardboard-and-plastic careers, but it's hardly where it ends for the hardcore enthusiast.

It's strange that Lords of Waterdeep feels like exactly that. With the Dungeons and Dragons brand behind it you might envision stat sheets, character creation, inventory management - that's what I expected, anyway. Rather, it's more Monopoly by way of Game of Thrones than 2nd Edition AD&D.

Waterdeep goes decidedly off-brand almost immediately. You don't play as a determined adventurer, winding your way through one of the many D&D universes with a light purse and a heavy hammer. Completing adventures is beneath you. As a lord of the titular city, you make adventures happen.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Heroes of Dragon Age Review (iPhone, iPad, Android)

Added: 09.12.2013 11:00 | 11 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

EA's Dragon Age series supplies an in-depth fantasy world that goes way beyond stories about noble heroes and evil dragons. The contains thousands of pages with reams of information about Grey Wardens, archdemons, and Darkspawn. It stands to reason, then, that Dragon Age fans would love the supplementary story material in Heroes of Dragon Age. That may be the case, but the hands-off combat and rapidly-depleting energy system might actually send them packing for a more exciting region of Thedas.

Heroes of Dragon Age plays a good deal like many of the digital collectable card games available on the App Store and Google Play, which is an interesting thing to say because there isn't a card to be seen in-game. Instead of the usual static illustrations of warriors and sorcerers, you command small, animated figurine-like heroes and creatures from the Dragon Age universe. That means you can expect to have standard archers and mages at your command, but you may also command a Darkspawn or a demon or three.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Fingerprint leaves its mark on the educational games space (iPad)

Added: 09.12.2013 9:00 | 2 views | 0 comments

It's no secret that kids in the U.S. are lagging behind in the STEM subjects - also known as science, technology, engineering and math - when compared to their counterparts in other countries all over the globe. The reasons why are common fodder for both polite and political debate, but rooting out the cause pales in importance compared to finding a solution.

Fingerprint thinks it can help. The San Francisco-based company believes in its approach, combining first party content and the curation of top educational games from developers all over the world, all served up on its own platform. Some big brands are on the Fingerprint bandwagon too, tapping it to help create their own mobile kids networks.

Tags: Soul
Source: www.gamezebo.com

Corona SDK training course for $49.99 (iPad)

Added: 07.12.2013 6:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

If you're thinking about making mobile games - and if you're thinking about doing it with Corona SDK - Gamezebo Deals has an offer that you'll want to jump into asap. Normally $100, you can sign up for the "Mobile Game Development Made Easy" course

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Burn the Rope 3D Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 06.12.2013 16:00 | 13 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Burn the Rope 3D pretty much delivers what its title promises: A puzzle game that plays very similarly to Big Blue Bubble's popular , but with the inclusion of a third dimension. It's a small change on paper, but it still adds significant depth to the rope-burning puzzles that made the initial game so popular in the first place.

Like its predecessor, Burn the Rope 3D stars an everlasting flame sprite that's pretty eager to spread its fire across a series of ropes (fire in general takes propagation very seriously). When you're ready to burn, you touch a match to some on-screen ropes and watch the flames eat 'em up. Ideally, you want to burn everything, but you're allowed to pass the level if you clear at least 60% of your target.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

How Playnomics is helping developers to better monetize their gamers (iPad)

Added: 06.12.2013 15:00 | 3 views | 0 comments

There's no question that the free-to-play model is here to stay in the gaming industry. After all, there's no better way for developers to get more people to check out their latest game than by using that alluring "Free" label. And for gamers, well who doesn't love getting free games? But then of course, the big question for free-to-play developers quickly arises: "How do I get users to actually spend money while playing my game?" The sad truth of the matter is that for many of today's smaller game developers, getting a lot of people to play their games for free doesn't necessary put money in their bank accounts. But luckily for them, Playnomics is here to help bridge that gap: by introducing their innovative that serves as a platform for developers to analyze their users' in-game spending and staying habits, while effectively creating marketing campaigns to cater to these different individual monetization segments.

I recently had a chance to send some questions to Chethan Ramachandran, the co-founder and CEO of Playnomics, and find out some more about the latest additions to the PlayRM suite, how the company sees the relationship between game developers and their high-value users, and of course, how the future of free-to-play games factors into the equation. Well for starters, Ramachandran chocks up the challenge of creating a free-to-play game that is constantly able to draw in monetization from users over long periods of time as being dependent upon two overarching industry problems. This realization ultimately led Playnomics to introduce two brand new features into their PlayRM suite in order to address these problems head-on: the Acquisition Value Predictor and the Churn Predictor.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

Free Games and Sales: Garfield Kart, Magicka and more! (iPad)

Added: 06.12.2013 14:32 | 11 views | 0 comments

How is everyone doing out there in the world of free games and sales today? Still recuperating after the biggest sales weekend of the year? Yeah, us too. But even though things may have calmed down a bit around here after the craziness of Black Friday Madness last week, that's certainly not to say we don't have a few new gaming deals to send your way all the same!

Why in fact, you're pretty likely to find some amazing new deals everywhere you look on the internet this week: from huge discounts on some of our favorite iOS games to be released this year, to big savings on adventure games over at GOG.com, and even a new Humble Bundle with the word "Jumbo" in its title, so you already know that it's going to be a good one! And even your old pal Gamezebo is hosting a great deal or two to round out the total package.

Source: www.gamezebo.com

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