Clash of Puppets Review (iPhone, iPad, Android) | Added: 06.12.2013 10:00 | 10 views | 0 comments
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Warlords RTS Review (iPhone, iPad) Added: 05.12.2013 16:00 | 10 views | 0 comments
Excited about this week's new releases? We are too. That's why -- like we do every Thursday -- we're taking to Twitch to show you the latest and greatest titles to hit the App Store via livestream. This week we'll be taking a look at the cult board game classic Space Hulk, the latest AAA spinoff Assassin's Creed Pirates, Game Insight's bold new journey into armored warfare in Tank Domination, and Mountain Sheep's slicing extravaganza KingHunt. Check out the fun below, and if you want to be part of our livestream discussion, just click the "read more" link below or visit us on Twitch at |
From the makers of the fantastic is essentially a reworking of sorts of King Cashing 2 - a free version of the same game with new extras like special weapons and animations. Now here are just a few of the awesome new features that you can expect to find when Super Zombie Slots hits the App Store next week: tons of different slot machines in several themed worlds, over 100 different symbols to populate those whirling machines, and more than 75 different prizes to earn for all of your efforts! |
, and even Santa Surfer himself! In addition, you'll also find new music, 24 GameCenter achievements, and three all-new pets: including the Space Reindeer, Santa's Elf Helper, and my personal favorite, an inanimate lump of coal known described as the "anti-present." |
It's been said that in space, no one can hear you tap on a touchscreen. Or at least something similar to that was once said. Anyway, it's relevant because Galaxy on Fire - Alliances will have you tapping plenty of times as you try to conquer as much of space as possible. With or without allies, it ends up looking and sounding a lot more fun than it actually is. If the name sounds familiar, there's a good reason for that. The previous games sporting that name were of the action-RPG variety, known for their customizable starships. Alliances is an entirely different beast: an MMO with resource management that is best played by teaming up with others, getting it a "truth in naming" award if nothing else. |
Pirates and tanks and medieval puppets, oh my! Yup, you read that right: there are certainly some big things gearing up to hit the App Store later on tonight, and my mobile devices are already itching to download them all. For instance, we finally have the highly anticipated release of a game that lets you engage in 10-on-10 tank battles, not to mention a mobile-exclusive game from one of the biggest-selling console franchises in gaming history, as well as a beautiful arcade release that's looking to take the addictive "slicing" gameplay of Fruit Ninja and expand it for the next generation of mobile gamers. So needless to say, you're going to have plenty of things to keep those iOS devices busy tonight. Which upcoming games are you the most excited about playing? For me personally, it's currently a 4-way tie between ALL OF THEM. Let us know your thoughts in the replies! |
As a Literature major for life, I've read more than my fair share of Franz Kafka throughout my college years, so the idea of a new video game that's actually based on the famous German author's classic body of work is really bringing out the book nerd in me. Mostly because now I can use terms like "Kafkaesque" while writing something for Gamezebo! itself was first teased a good while back, but now a few teresting tidbits of information about the literary adventure have begun to surface this week, along with a truly fascinating debut trailer. For starters, the overall plot of The Franz Kafka Videogame will be based on a number of Kafka's own writings, such as "The Castle," "Amerika," and the high school English class staple, "The Metamorphosis." In the game, players will take control of a character named K, who sets off on a distant voyage after being offered a new means of employment. And naturally, that voyage will quickly spiral into an adventure filled with "absurdity," "surrealism," and "total uncertainty," as one would only expect from something that bears the Franz Kafka name. And that's really all we have to tell you about The Franz Kafka Videogame right now, other than that it will be coming to iOS, Android, PC, and Mac platforms sometime in 2014, and that we really can't wait to play it. Don't forget to check out the debut game trailer that's embedded in this page up there, and feel free to start your very own Kafka literary circle down in the comments section! |
Spil Games, the leading global company for all things online gaming, has announced a $5 million investment today to be put towards the creation of HTML5 games. All in all, that lump sum of $5 million will be delegated to developers creating brand new gaming experiences, as well as updating existing ones to fit the new HTML5 foundation. Spil Games also plans to put some of that money towards the marketing of their own games, which currently enjoy more than 180 million users each month. In case you might be unfamiliar with the prospects of HTML5 as it continues to make its mark on the gaming industry and the world of technology at large, it is essentially a more fluid and flexible markup language for making content on the internet. But the biggest draw of the new coding language for game developers is that it can be utilized by a number of different platforms and mediums, such as mobile devices, which could potentially allow them to bring their games to a far larger number of platforms without sacrificing the additional time and resources needed to create an entirely new port. |
Are you afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? I sure hope not, because then you wouldn't have the chance to enjoy the latest gripping adventure series from Telltale Games! And as luck would have it, Telltale also just so happened to announce today that the recently released first episode of titled "Faith" will be headed to iOS devices later on tonight. In case you somehow might have missed the PC version, or haven't been up to date on your Gamezebo readings lately (tsk, tsk), The Wolf Among Us is Telltale's latest adventure game series, and based on Bill Willingham's whimsical comic book series Fables. In the game, players take control of detective Bigby Wolf, as they solve various crimes in a warped and gritty representation of classic fairytale characters in a downtrodden New York City. |
GungHo Online Entertainment has announced today that their incredibly popular mobile hit is now available in six more European countries, so our friends overseas will finally have the chance to partake in the fantasy phenomenon after all of this time. The new countries added to the Puzzle & Dragons territory list include France, Italy, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and Finland. The game was first released in Japan on February 20, 2012, with subsequent territory launches in the United States, Canada, Korea, and most recently the United Kingdom on October 16. Now that more European countries have entered into the fold, this will only mean continued exposure to Puzzle & Dragons: after all, the game has already reached 21 million downloads and counting in Japan alone. |
For gamebook fans of a certain age, Gary Chalk is a name to conjure with. He got co-author credits for the illustrations in the early Lone Wolf books, probably the best loved of the many gamebook franchises that thronged bookshelves in the mid-eighties. Times have changed, and digital publishing is all the rage, but Gary's art has not diminished and he's here with a brand new outing, Gun Dogs. This is the latest title in Tin Man Game's Gamebook Adventure series and it shares a lot of mechanical similarities with its predecessors. You'll read through a paragraph of text, often be presented with some choices at the end, and occasionally have to check one of your stats against a dice roll, or fight a monster. |
November has always traditionally been one of the greatest months to be a gamer: after all, that's usually when all of the big-name developers decide to release their most highly-anticipated projects of the year, just in time for the holidays. But now it looks like the same could also be said for the mobile games industry as well, as this past November gave us so many amazing new releases that we had an unbelievably difficult time trying to narrow them all down for this list! So here's a quick rundown of the incredible new gaming experiences that kept us busy all throughout November: an exhilarating platform-runner that took us through all sorts of hot and cold places where the ground is made of food; a strategic look at the afterlife for shoguns, where things are actually a bit more crowded than one might initially believe; and of course, a monstrous adventure across the colorful seas that could even give The Legend of Zelda a run for its money. |
Galaxy on Fire - Alliances is an empire-building space sim created by FISHLABS. It's a major departure from the rest of the series, with less action and a lot more maintenance, which means that it can be pretty daunting when you start it up for the first time. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to play your best game. |
Do you guys like new screenshots? Who am I kidding, of course you do! Well today we just so happen to have a fresh batch of them from Gameloft's upcoming World War II shooter, , and let me tell you something right now: they look unbelievably realistic and sharp, especially for a mobile game at that! Set within a variety of indoor and outdoor environments against a WWII backdrop, Brothers in Arms 3 will feature slick tactical shooting gameplay with a big emphasis on changing weather conditions. From desolate streets and burning palace interiors, to a once-idyllic forest that's now crawling with tanks and bunkers, the new screenshots seem to perfectly capture that uneasy balance between the beauty of nature and the horrors of war. |
Clumsy Ninja is a simulation game created by NaturalMotion Games. You raise your very own ninja into a seasoned warrior by playing with him, training with him, and simply interacting with him as much as possible. Gamezebo's quick start strategy guide will provide you with detailed images, tips, information, and hints on how to breed your very best ninja. |
It's rather amazing--astounding, even--that it has taken this long after the success of Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy for Hollywood to do a sequel. As it turns out, this has two notable benefits. One is that, following a realistic passage of time for the actors involved in the 2004 film, they now get to set the new movie in the mid-eighties. The other is that, had they made the sequel back around 2005 or so, we might not have gotten a mobile video game based on it. Of course, as it turns out, that may not have been such a bad thing. Don't get us wrong; Anchorman 2: Scotchy Scotch Toss is a perfectly decent game, and it definitely has more to offer if you--like us-- are a fan of Anchorman and its star, Ron Burgundy (whose voice is actually provided here by Will Ferrell himself, so you know it's authentic). But the simple fact of the matter is that there just isn't a lot to it, and you're likely to run the gamut of nearly everything there is to see or do here in about 10 or 20 minutes. Okay, maybe not all 300 of Ron's lines; given how some are repeated, that could indeed take a while. |
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