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Incoming! Our 18 most anticipated iOS and Android games for November

Added: 03.11.2014 11:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Incoming! Our 18 most anticipated iOS and Android games for November November is set to be a huge month for mobile games. From Simogo's new game, to massive PC ports, to unsung indie entries, there's something for everyone. There's also another huge iOS game on the way, but the developer has sworn us to secrecy. Let's just say, November is going to be big and here are 18 very convincing reasons. As ever, these dates are as accurate as possible at the time of ...

Tags: Android
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Impossible Draw tests your drawing skills inside a tranquil cyberspace, soon on iOS and Android

Added: 03.11.2014 10:58 | 5 views | 0 comments

Impossible Draw tests your drawing skills inside a tranquil cyberspace, soon on iOS and Android Impossible Draw certainly isn't impossible. That would make for a terrible game. It is, however, a less annoying take on Hole In The Wall. Yes, the game show featuring celebrities in suits that are far too tight. It has you travelling through a series of colourful environments that look like they're straight out of a Minecraft cavern. As you do, a wall approaches you, threatening a head-firs...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Kickstart this: Incarnate combines ideas from Final Fantasy Tactics and Magic The Gathering

Added: 03.11.2014 10:30 | 4 views | 0 comments

Kickstart this: Incarnate combines ideas from Final Fantasy Tactics and Magic The Gathering Apart from having a great studio name, Skeleton Hand have a big pitch to sell us: "Final Fantasy Tactics meets Magic the Gathering". This is how the studio describes its 3D turn-based strategy arena and competitive card game Incarnate. The name-dropping certainly has more of a ring to it than that lengthy description, I'll give 'em that. The idea of Incarnate is to allow for the play in...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Keeping time with NOON is hard, frantic but compelling, out on iOS this week

Added: 03.11.2014 10:05 | 4 views | 0 comments

Keeping time with NOON is hard, frantic but compelling, out on iOS this week NOON is an erratic game of well-timed taps that encapsulates what it's like trying to keep up with time. It starts by showing you a clock, the hand of which is spinning around it rather fast. At the top of this clock is a marker signifying noon. "Tap the clock when it hits noon," instructs the game's main menu. You do, and then you're playing the game before you even realise it.  You get ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Audio Defence - Zombie Arena

Added: 03.11.2014 10:00 | 6 views | 0 comments

Audio Defence - Zombie Arena With Audio Defence - Zombie Arena, sound-only game maker Somethin' Else asks whether you can survive an arena filled with zombies, by only using your ears. The answer is yes: you'll look like a goofball spinning around in circles with headphones on and your eyes shut, but sharp audio makes it surprisingly easy to pinpoint the screams, shuffles, and belches of the undead. But, it loses its ap...

Tags: With, Zombie
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Help a bear knit the world's longest scarf in 'crazy knitting game' Knituma

Added: 03.11.2014 9:34 | 5 views | 0 comments

Help a bear knit the world's longest scarf in 'crazy knitting game' Knituma Knituma is, according to developer Paprika Games, a "crazy knitting game." And to that I say: "About damn time." Knitting has been criminally underlooked in mobile games as far as I'm concerned. The delicate process of pushing thread through needle; the finger work of stitching together fabric; it's perfect for a touchscreen translation. But that's not what Knituma is. It's more akin to the ...

Tags: Help, About
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Card Crawl is a neat, upcoming iOS dungeon crawler played entirely through deck building

Added: 03.11.2014 8:40 | 6 views | 0 comments

Card Crawl is a neat, upcoming iOS dungeon crawler played entirely through deck building Card Crawl is the next game from Tiny Touch Tales coming to iOS. And, like Zuki's Quest and One Tap RPG, it compacts a whole genre into a neat little game. This time the target is dungeon crawling. Rather than travelling through the dark corridors of a dungeon, as is usually the case, it's all played out on a modified set of cards.  You sit at a table facing an odd but presumably friendly mo...

Tags: Cave, Time, Tales, Crabs
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Companion lets you keep track of your clan and edit your emblem from your phone

Added: 03.11.2014 7:11 | 6 views | 0 comments

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Companion lets you keep track of your clan and edit your emblem from your phone If you're getting withdrawal symptoms from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, why not try to scratch the itch a little with the Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Companion app on iOS, Windows Phone, and Android. The app does pretty much what you'd expect a companion app to do. Which is not really that much. There's something called Clan Wars which is all about winning positions on a map and gettin...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Smash Champs

Added: 03.11.2014 7:00 | 5 views | 0 comments

Smash Champs Is it fair to go into a game with certain expectations, and find yourself disappointed when they're not met? Or is it only fair to approach each and every game as a clean slate, and work on the merits it reveals as you play? If we're talking about fair and unfair, the latter is probably the more reasonable approach. But you don't buy games without looking for certain aspects that you believe...

Tags: Smart
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Lost Viking mixes Threes! style swiping and RPG combat on iPad and iPhone - but is it worth your time?

Added: 03.11.2014 5:51 | 4 views | 0 comments

Lost Viking mixes Threes! style swiping and RPG combat on iPad and iPhone - but is it worth your time? Lost Viking is a puzzling scrapper with a twist. Rather than playing a game of match-three to make the titular wandering scandinavian warrior smash things in the face, you're playing fa variation of the Threes! formula. So you're sliding tiles around a grid. But instead of numbers they're marked with symbols. There's a sword, a shield, a lump of meat, and a coin. Sliding tiles with the same sym...

Tags: Phone, Lots
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Lumo Deliveries

Added: 03.11.2014 4:06 | 5 views | 0 comments

Lumo Deliveries We've known about Lumo Deliveries for ages. I went hands-on with a super early build of it for AppSpy way way back in July of this year, after having nabbed a quick glance of it at Indie Games Collective 2014 in London. With the full version now available globally, I'm revisiting it to see what's new, what's been changed, what's stayed the same, and to give you the final verdict on the colourfu...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

PG's top moments of the week - Halloween horror games...

Added: 01.11.2014 19:00 | 20 views | 0 comments

PG's top moments of the week - Halloween horror games... Every week, Pocket Gamer provides a weekly digest of the most important and popular stories from these digital pages. It has not been a banner week for team PG, it must be said. Staffers were sick, out of office, and swanning about in Paris. And despite all this, game developers worldwide still chose to release loads of games. You heartless monsters. What came out? Well, Surgeon Simulator is...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Debating F2P's soul, Glu's top financials and how the hot Helsinki scene just got hotter

Added: 01.11.2014 6:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Debating F2P's soul, Glu's top financials and how the hot Helsinki scene just got hotter At the start of another financial report season, we prepare our calculator for another round of heavyduty action. The early signs appear to be good, at least from US publishers EA Mobile and Glu Mobile, which both experienced increased sales; Glu Mobile sharply so. However, the stock market can be a cruel mistress, and year-on-year growth of 199 percent wasn't enough to stop Glu's share price dr...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Pivvot developer's third game, Piloteer, announced today with limited details

Added: 31.10.2014 22:04 | 5 views | 0 comments

Pivvot developer's third game, Piloteer, announced today with limited details Fixpoint Productions, the studio behind the Silver Award-winning games Pivvot and Polyer, has just announced its third project. The game is called Piloteer, and all we know about it so far is from this one image. It's someone strapped into a steampunk jetpack, from the looks of it, which is quite the visual deviation from developer Whitaker Trebella's previous work. Picture the globby...

Tags: Silver
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Concrete Jungle crams intense city planning into a deck of virtual cards, on Kickstarter now

Added: 31.10.2014 15:52 | 4 views | 0 comments

Concrete Jungle crams intense city planning into a deck of virtual cards, on Kickstarter now Concrete Jungle combines all the complexity of a city management sim with the accessibility of a tabletop deck-building game. Structures come in the form of cards, which you place on a grid to build up your city. The city itself is presented in detailed, isometric blocks, in the style of classic management sims. It isn't a matter of just laying down blocks, though. A point sysem and...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Mmm Fingers

Added: 31.10.2014 14:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Mmm Fingers Mmm Fingers is a simple one-finger dodge-'em-up where your digits are the star of the show. You need to weave a path through cute cartoon spike-monsters, and your only goal is getting farther than you did before. It might not be as sharp as other examples of the genre, but it's got enough going for it that you'll find yourself getting sucked in time and time again. There are a few issues wit...

Tags: There
Source: feedproxy.google.com

Crossword game Bonza Word Puzzle free for a week on iOS and Android

Added: 31.10.2014 13:59 | 4 views | 0 comments

Crossword game Bonza Word Puzzle free for a week on iOS and Android In celebration of PAX Australia this weekend, the Melbourne-based indie studio MiniMega has slashed the pricetag on their crossword puzzler, Bonza. For a week, you'll be able to download Bonza for free on your iOS or Android device. It is usually 69p / 99c. Bonza is an interesting take on the word puzzle genre, incorporating "mechanics" from crosswords to create something part puzzle and par...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Contract Killer: Sniper has a variety of guns and explosives despite the title, out on iOS and Android next week

Added: 31.10.2014 12:13 | 6 views | 0 comments

Contract Killer: Sniper has a variety of guns and explosives despite the title, out on iOS and Android next week Glu Mobile is releasing Contract Killer: Sniper on iOS and Android next week.  As with previous games in the Contract Killer series, you'll be playing a master assassin with lots of guns, a shaved head, and a passion for running between cover.  Yep, it's a cover-to-cover shooter that switches to first-person when you need to shoot your enemies. You can fire from the hip, but most of the time...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

In Planet Nam Nam, pesky birds have stolen Earth's monuments, so you've gotta shoot 'em all

Added: 31.10.2014 11:37 | 3 views | 0 comments

In Planet Nam Nam, pesky birds have stolen Earth's monuments, so you've gotta shoot 'em all Planet Nam Nam is a planet inhabited by nefarious birds. They flew to Earth to steal our monuments (Eiffel Tower, Stature of Liberty, etc), for whatever purpose, and now you've got to get them back. How do you do this? It involves a gun, some bullets, and... well, that's it, actually. This is a first-person shooter. The Nam Nam birds fly across the screen like clay pigeons, trying to drop eg...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

Review: Caverns of the Snow Witch

Added: 31.10.2014 11:00 | 4 views | 0 comments

Caverns of the Snow Witch Sometimes adventure gamebooks aren't quite paced right for mobile play. It's pretty easy to wander through some of them without feeling like you've made any choices that actually matter. Caverns of the Snow Witch isn't one of them though. It's a romp from start to finish. You're dodging avalanches, clashing with yetis, and dealing with mischievous sorcerers pretty much every other page. And ...

Source: feedproxy.google.com

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