Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Review
Added: 10.07.2015 11:30 | 5 views | 0 comments
Naoki Yoshida's successful reboot of the disastrous Overall, then, Heavensward is an essential purchase for those who have spent more hours than they'd care to admit in Eorzea. While new players--or those who never beat A Realm Reborn's complete story--may feel aggravated at being locked-out of the expansion until they catch up, there's little denying that Final Fantasy XIV as a whole offers astonishing value for those willing to immerse themselves, and it will only continue to grow and expand over time. In other words, it looks like Eorzea is unlikely to suffer another world-shattering calamity just yet, and everyone who has made it their home away from home over the last couple of years will doubtless be thankful for that. More in »
Tags: Fantasy, While, Final, Final Fantasy, Ready, Fantasy XX2