The first time I visited Meriloft in Broken Age: Act 1, it was a wondrous experience. Why was this pretentious man dressed as a bird, and why was his rotund son dressed like a nest? How did this village stay afloat in the clouds? Was H'rmony Lightbeard as crooked as he appeared? Why didn't C'rol leave her good-for-nothing husband? There were mysteries to explore, puzzles to solve, and recognizably human--despite their surrealist absurdity--characters to acquaint myself with.
When you return to Meriloft in Broken Age: Act 2--under circumstances that I don't dare spoil for those who haven't completed Act 1 yet--you see this world through a fresh lens. And while the mystery of cloud shoes and Gus and F'ther are lessened, there's enough of a sense of the unknown and new twists to pull you through. Why are familiar faces from another part of the world here? What will they do when they realize who you are? There are new mysteries and new puzzles, and it's a joy again…at first. But you will return to Meriloft to solve puzzle after puzzle after puzzle, and like every area in Broken Age: Act 2, you start to find yourself a little tired of it.
without guides in the proto-internet era. For the most part, those moments leave you satisfied with your own intelligence and problem-solving skills. But the moments when a solution just makes you say "Really?" in a frustrated tone and when you wander seemingly without direction occur often enough to rob Broken Age of a sad amount of its magic.More in »