Lego Dimensions Offers No Restrictions on Franchise Crossovers, Just Gameplay
Added: 17.06.2015 16:26 | 1 views | 0 comments
if you want a true Lego sandbox). This boils down to playing like Traveller's Tales' other Lego action games, and offering the same amount of control as in a Portal game wouldn't make sense here. But this glimpse of what could be an exciting element does make me worry to some degree that there might not be as many opportunities to put the Portal gun and other in-game tools to use as I'd like. It's entirely possible this particular area wasn't indicative of what other areas have in store, and there might very well be more freedom elsewhere. Even if that doesn't prove to be the case, I still find myself--despite being outside its target demographic as an adult with no children--eager to get my hands on Dimensions, which is the first time I've ever been able to say that about a toys-to-life game. More in »
Tags: Evil, Jump, Leaf
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