Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain review | GamesRadar
Added: 17.09.2015 5:19 | 31 views | 0 comments
"72 seconds. At first, it feels like a mistake. There's no reason why it takes so long to drive between Mother Base platforms. Or why a game defined by its freedom is forcing you to travel in a straight line. There's no scenery, no incoming calls, no priorities to juggle apart from listen to one of the game's audio tapes. A tape that lasts 69 seconds. Damn. MGS5 is a game so balanced, sublimely authored and nuanced, even its mistakes are calculated; gifting you unprecedented freedom, but unafraid to limit your options to create powerful moments of introspection."More in »
Tags: Paul, Gear, Metal, Metal Gear, Phantom, Solid, Phantom Pain, Ball, Gear Solid, The Phantom