Review - The Last of Us: Overgrowth
Added: 18.07.2013 12:17 | 8 views | 0 comments
Its been six years since Naughty Dog released the original Uncharted with the launch of the Playstation 3. Then two years later they cemented their place as one of this generations best developers with Uncharted 2, and later Uncharted 3. The Uncharted series is seen by many as the gold standard of cinematic action games and watching someone play Uncharted 2 or 3 is a vastly superior experience to watching Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Though until recently Naughty Dog has only told over-the-top bombastic adventure stories where our heroes eat bullets for breakfast and kill a thousand men before lunch. The Last of Us on the other hand is not a game about bombast Instead it is a game that will take you into the darkest parts of humanity, and make you question if getting shot by a bandit is not such a bad idea after all.More in »
Tags: Last, Review, The Last, Though, Playstation, Kingdom, Uncharted, Naughty, Crystal, Naughty Dog
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