Sanctum 2 Review | RealGamerNewz
Added: 20.07.2013 12:17 | 7 views | 0 comments
Josh of RealGamerNewz writes, "The gameplay for Sanctum 2 is a hybrid tower defense game. During most of the action you are just on an overhead look of the map. In Sanctum 2 you also fight in FPS mode after you put up your towers after each round. This game takes a lot of strategy as the aliens come from different directions and waves continue on. You not only have to adapt how you place your towers but which ones you are going to use to keep the core safe. As for towers there are a lot of them to choose 13 total types of towers that you can choose from, starting with the Base tower which acts as a wall and are cheap and easy to connect to make aliens take a different route across the map."More in »
Tags: Review, Ball, John, Sanctum, During
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