Dusty Revenge Review | Gaming Furever
Added: 08.08.2013 18:19 | 10 views | 0 comments
If Dust: An Elysian Tail taught us anything it's that game makers come from all walks of life. Dean Dodrill who was a humble artist struck out to make a game of his own and it turned out to be really awesome. PD Design Studio a small company based in Singapore that for the most part has done flash animation over the years has decided to throw it's hat into the indie game ring. Their debut game Dusty Revenge is a 2D platforming beat'em up with some obvious influences from recent action games such as Devil May Cry or God of War. Is Dusty Revenge sweet or is it just a dish served cold?More in n4g.com »
Tags: Dead, Studio, There, Review, Gaming, Devil, May Cry, Devil May, Singapore, Tale
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