onPause Review: BioShock Infinite (Spoiler Free)
Added: 10.04.2013 9:18 | 8 views | 0 comments
onPause writes:
It was not until sometime in early 2009 that I finally played the original BioShock from Irrational Games and Ken Levine, the studios co-founder and creative director.
It almost feels like there was something like an invisible line or barrier that I crossed that day, after I finished my adventure in Rapture the phrase Would you kindly would never leave my memory.
BioShock was the first game that made me realize the incredible power of storytelling this medium could possess, and more importantly, that couldnt be matched by film or novels.More in n4g.com »
Tags: Games, Infinite, BioShock, BioShock Infinite, Shoot, Irrational, Irrational Games
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