Nerds Without Pants Episode 29: Ethical Nerds
Added: 25.08.2013 13:19 | 16 views | 0 comments
PixlBit | "It's Friday, which means it's time to take your pants off and listen to another wonderful episode of NWP! The guys run the gamut of geekdom this week, with talk about anime, art books, Shin Megami Tensei IV, and the greatest Jason Statham move ever made: Saints Row IV.
After that, Patrick takes over to discuss ethics in the video game industry. How underhanded is it to lay off people right after a project is done? What about the unfortunately necessary evil that is the PR and game writer relationship? All of these topics and more are discussed at length in a rather thoughtful episode of Nerds Without Pants!"More in »
Tags: Saints, Saints Row, When, After, Shop, Patrick, Episode, Megami, Megami Tensei, Tensei, Shin Megami