DuckTales Remastered Review | Warp Zoned
Added: 30.08.2013 3:19 | 7 views | 0 comments
Warp Zoned writes:
"The original DuckTales game for the NES was one of my favorite games. I remember receiving the game as a Christmas gift when I was ten years old, and getting to the last level that very same day, only to have my older brother turn off the system during the final boss fight, because, as he put it, I shouldnt finish a game the same day I got it. So I beat it the next day. And the day after that. For months, DuckTales was the only game that inhabited my NES. The gameplay, the controls, the music it was in every way a perfect game. Fast-forward twenty-five years, and I am sitting at my desk at work when I see the announcement of DuckTales Remastered. Pulling up that announcement trailer, I was in a state of shock. One of my favorite childhood games, being remade by one of my favorite developers, WayForward this was just too good to be true. After playing the new title, I can say that while its a great game, DuckTales Remastered is not all its quacked up t...More in »
Tags: Wake, After, Review, Tales, DuckTales, Remastered
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