Disney Infinity Review: Build It and Fun Will Come | TheHDRoom
Added: 30.08.2013 22:20 | 5 views | 0 comments
TheHDRoom: "To Infinity, and Beyond! Those words once only meant something to Buzz Lightyear, but now they might as well be a Braveheart battle cry echoed throughout Disney's Interactive unit and the Disney properties they have pulled into Disney Infinity. A mammoth investment by the Mouse House in this ambitious undertaking may have solved the age-old gaming question whose answer has eluded developers for decades: how do you make a movie-based video game that doesn't stink?
The answer can be found in the sum of Disney Infinity's many intricately woven parts."More in n4g.com »
Tags: Infinite, With, Disney, Disney Infinity, Code, House, Build, Mouse, Interactive
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