The Bureau: X-Com Declassified Review | Press Start Australia
Added: 13.09.2013 6:18 | 12 views | 0 comments
Kevin at Press Start Australia writes: "As much as I love 2K and despite the fear that the studios behind this game will suffer immensely due to its long and turbulent schedule, The Bureau remains a weak entry into the X-Com series. The attempts at introducing actual plot elements into the X-Com universe comes off as weak, the gameplay is fun but ultimately drags and doesnt evolve, and the permadeth element comes off as non-threatening. Enemy Unknown was a gem from 2011. The Bureau isnt so lucky. Maybe as a budget title it wouldve seen a more successful launch and a longer shelf life, but despite this possibly meaning the end of 2K Australia, it just isnt worth your time. More in »
Tags: Review, Staff, Australia, Enemy, Enemy Unknown, Unknown, Press
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