Injustice: Gods Among Us Review | VideoGamer
Added: 18.04.2013 19:21 | 7 views | 0 comments
VideoGamer: "Statements I never thought I'd write down #1: Injustice: Gods Among Us and BioShock: Infinite start in exactly the same way. By that I don't mean they both boast an intriguing, almost eerie boat ride or a lighthouse that was never intended for its original purpose. No, each starts with a quote that, no less, tries to spark your brain into imagining the possibilities of parallel dimensions. Unsurprisingly the similarities end there although surely there's an argument that pits vigors as Columbia's super powers but this theme of alternative universes is the very reason Injustice manages to both be horribly entertaining, and downright ridiculous."More in »
Tags: Gods, Among, Gods Among, Injustice, Infinite, Review
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