No Quarters Required Episode 35 Grand Theft Auto
Added: 29.09.2013 23:18 | 20 views | 0 comments
Sorry for the delay folks! We had a tough time getting everyone together because we all were playing some damn small unknown game called Grand Theft something. But most of us have surfaced and lived to tell the tale of this eagerly anticipated game. There are some very light spoilers but nothing that gives away anything vital to the campaign of this game. In fact, Morgan was the only one who had completed GTA V when we did this podcast so you should be able to listen without any major damage being done your GTA V experience. We also take some time to chat about a few other games as well, like Brothers, Diablo III, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger and Killzone Mercenary. The gaming news section of our show is jam packed with news topics from the Tokyo Game Show as well as info from Sony and Microsoft.More in »
Tags: Gain, Cave, There, Shop, Gunslinger, Episode, Grade, Grand Theft, Diablo, Soul
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