Beyond: Two Souls Review | Leet Gamers Asia
Added: 15.10.2013 3:18 | 9 views | 0 comments
"David Cage and Quantic Dream have become known for delivering cinematic games with rich, mature storylines and unique control schemes. Many would argue that they are barely games, that they are more point and click interactive movies, and in a sense they would be right. But there is a little more to them than that, and the games like Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain might be better served being described as interactive experiences. Cage certainly brings his love of cinema to these titles, and he does so again with his latest, the genre melding action/spy thriller/sci-fi/ ghost story/drama Beyond: Two Souls."More in »
Tags: Mask, Cave, Heart, Review, Rage, Dream, Souls, Games, Two Souls, Quantic, Quantic Dream, David, Leaf
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