Beyond: Two Souls Review | TheGameJar
Added: 19.10.2013 15:18 | 18 views | 0 comments
"Quantic Dream brought us Heavy Rain, one of the most original and well-received games of this generation. David Cage was the man responsible for that, and now he has brought us another game, which he has again both written and directed. This time however it features Ellen Page as a young girl named Jodie who, ever since she was born, has had an entity known as Aiden attached to her and Willem Dafoe a scientist, and father figure, responsible for her as the main stars. How can fans of Heavy Rain not get excited about this? The question is, even with both these actors on board, does it live up to its predecessor?"More in »
Tags: Paul, Cave, Heart, Review, Rage, Dream, Souls, Two Souls, Quantic, Quantic Dream, David
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