Beyond: Two Souls Review - DJ Podcasts
Added: 02.11.2013 10:21 | 17 views | 0 comments
Paul from DJ Podcasts writes "Beyond: Two Souls is the latest game to be released by Quantic Dream that focuses on a young girl by the name of Jodie Holmes who is modeled on Ellen Page, who has a gift, or curse depending on who you ask. Written by creative director David Cage who also produced Heavy Rain, this interactive drama involves a different style of gameplay which some refer to as more of a movie than a game. For me, Beyond: Two Souls offers something special that you dont find in most games today and thats an engaging story, albeit that its something that reminds you of pulp fiction."More in »
Tags: Paul, Cave, Heart, Review, Dream, Souls, Two Souls, Quantic, Quantic Dream, David
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