Playstation Now Will the world ever be the same again
Added: 24.01.2014 13:17 | 5 views | 0 comments
"Like many many people out there, I am incredibly excited about the prospect of Playstation Now. Having not played a PS3 last generation I would love the opportunity to catch up on some of the stunning explosive games such as The Last Of Us, check out the origins of the titles I plan to play on my PS4 and to also see some conclusions of the games I loved to play on the PS2. As a Vita owner I have also seen how great playing PS1 titles have been, getting Spiro and FFIX immediately upon turing the thing on. I think that this is very typical for a lot of gamers, especially now that money and misguided loyalty make people stick to one console only. (See how I managed to get all the Sony consoles in there!)."More in »
Tags: Vita, With, Live, Last, The Last, Playstation, Spicy, Soul
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