Diehard GameFAN: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct Review
Added: 21.05.2013 14:19 | 30 views | 0 comments
DHGF: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct is a story about wasted potential. Its an interesting survival horror game that portrays zombies exactly how they should be; easily beaten one on one, but deadly in a group. It focuses on stealth and planning more than mindless shooting, and for that it should be commended. However, the story is barely there, the graphics are vastly outdated, and the structure of the game is incredibly repetitive. It runs out of steam quite quickly. When this game is down to ten bucks, Im sure it will start to earn a following. Until it goes down, however, it remains an overpriced disappointment. More in n4g.com »
Tags: When, Survival, Walking, The Walking, Instinct, Survival Instinct
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