Child of Light Review - A Fairy Tale Ending? [Dealspwn]
Added: 04.05.2014 2:14 | 18 views | 0 comments
Dealspwn writes: RPG games are usually big-budget epics with the promise (threat?) of at least forty hours running time. Ubisoft's Child of Light is here to change that assumption by providing a low-priced downloadable alternative. Others have failed quite miserably (Hello, Mars: War Logs), but ze Germans made a solid effort with the tough Rainbow Moon. But with Ubisoft providing genre classics in action, shooters and platforming (Assassin's Creed IV, Far Cry 3 and Rayman Legends if you're asking), we can't wait to see how they handle an RPG.More in »
Tags: Ubisoft, Creed, Far Cry, Review, Legends, Light, Tale, China, Rayman, Rayman Legends
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