Destiny: Good, Bad, and Unknown Post-Beta
Added: 31.07.2014 17:17 | 8 views | 0 comments
GoodGameBro writes, "The Destiny Beta has now been closed for a few days and the many players who got into the testing period across all four of the games consoles are likely still dealing with the withdrawal symptoms of no longer being able to take their Guardians to The Tower and out into the Frontier of Old Russia.
In my impressions posted after the Destiny Alpha, I spoke about how that early taste of the game on PlayStation 4 had converted me from somebody who didnt know what the big deal was about Destiny to somebody who was all-in (and has subsequently pre-ordered the Limited Edition of the retail game). After spending eight more days with the Destiny Beta, positive impressions remain but are joined with concerns and lingering questions as we now face just over a month before the games retail release."More in »
Tags: PlayStation, After, Been, Destiny, Tower, Limited, Limited Edition, Unknown
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