Skylanders Trap Team Review | Hardcore Gamer
Added: 06.10.2014 1:17 | 0 views | 0 comments
Its amazing that a concept once meant to reboot the struggling Spyro franchise has grown into such a phenomenon. Yet Skylanders popularity quickly outgrew the Spyro moniker to the point that it was outright dropped from the sophomore year of the series, relegating the once iconic purple dragon to little more than another Skylander. While the series has been around only three years, its already become a video game staple and its hard to imagine a world without. In fact, its even spawned a formable opponent in Disney Infinity. With the fourth incarnation of the franchise, Skylanders Trap Team, Activision hopes to fend off any territory encroachment while redefining the series enough to keep it relevant.More in »
Tags: Trek, With, Skylanders, Disney, Test, Review, While, Activision
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