ZTGD | Escape Dead Island (PS3) Review
Added: 18.11.2014 15:15 | 10 views | 0 comments
Justin Celani writes: Dead Island appeared to take the world by storm; much like a zombie virus does in all its fictional glory. When Deep Silver published the first trailer that tugged on players hearts everywhere, people took notice. The final product was anything but emotional, and instead was a fun, 4 player first person co-op zombie game with blood, guts and tons of loot. Fast forward to today, and we have a spin off called Escape Dead Island launching on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Is it more of the same game play we have come to love, or simply a dead man walking?More in n4g.com »
Tags: Dead, When, Silver, Deep Silver, Island, Dead Island, Xbox, Fate, Escape
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