Dragon Age Inquisition (2014) Review | FilmGamesEtc
Added: 20.11.2014 19:12 | 0 views | 0 comments
Its strange to consider the Dragon Age series initially debuted only five years ago in 2009 since it feels like it has been much longer. During that five year stretch, developer BioWare has done its best to keep the Dragon Age series fresh in the minds of gamers despite having only released two major entries in the series. With Dragon Age: Inquisition, BioWare has an opportunity not only to bring the series back to the forefront of player interest but also to make up for the disappointing presentation of the most recent series outing, Dragon Age II. Its obvious that BioWare wants to redeem the Dragon Age name, but how well do its efforts with Inquisition pay off?More in n4g.com »
Tags: Wake, With, Review, Dragon, BioWare, During