Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition Review | The Game Scouts
Added: 17.01.2015 23:13 | 16 views | 0 comments
Palmer Sturman: Duke Nukem 3D is a title most seasoned gamers are already familiar with. What with its dozens of re-releases across multiple platforms since its initial debut on PC in 96, one has to talk about this title with a certain amount of familiarity. But what exactly constitutes PlayStation Vitas new Megaton Edition? Aside from the fact that its on a handheld the answer is: not much. If youre familiar with the XBOX Live Arcade version that released a few years ago on 360 and you enjoyed it then youre bound to find yourself right at home with the Vita release. Love it or not the originals fast-paced gory gameplay and womanizing behavior are still prevalent, and though the latter may not have held up as elegantly in modern times the title is still a blast to play.
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Tags: PlayStation, Vita, Arcade, Gain, When, Duty, Live, Review, Lots, Duke Nukem, Nukem, XBox, The Game
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