Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Review | WGTC
Added: 19.01.2015 19:14 | 4 views | 0 comments
Chad from We Got This Covered wrote:
Its unlikely that any other fictional gang has gone as far as Volitions Third Street Saints. After all, what started as a ragtag organization looking to take over the streets of the city it called home has since turned into a phenomenon. How so? Well, after achieving its goals of taking out the competition, the group picked up and moved and did the same elsewhere, before making its way into the Oval Office and installing its head honcho as the revered President of the United States. During that time, a popular energy drink was released, commercials were filmed and the popularity meter soared to new heights.More in »
Tags: Saints, Street, United, Thief, After, Review, Help, Over, During
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