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ZTGD | Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Review

Added: 06.03.2015 14:10 | 0 views | 0 comments

Jae Lee writes: When I was a kid, Dragonball Z was more than just an manga/anime- it was an inspiration. I learned how to draw to some degree just so I could draw the characters from the DBZ universe. Also, I have no qualms admitting that I actually practiced the kamehameha and tried to turn super saiyan at least a few times. Sure this was when I was a little kid under ten but it was a big deal. Even after the series had all but ended (lets not talk GT), I carried a torch for it in my heart and albeit to a lesser degree, I still do today. So you can bet your dragonballs that Ive played my share of DBZ games over the years but after about a dozen or so in the course of two decades, I stopped playing them. They all seemed like the same game with slightly prettier graphics that told the same story Ive seen dozens of times. However, Xenoverse caught my interest not only because its the first DBZ title for the new hardware but because of how they were putting a twist to...

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Tags: Evil, When, Sure, Dragon

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