The Deadly Tower of Monsters Trailer
Added: 12.06.2015 11:02 | 12 views | 0 comments
Developed entirely in color, DTOM is an action-based adventure oozing with B-movie charm. Gaze at the incredible realism Monsterama vision provides for all the Nuclear Ants, Lizard Men, and the countless other enemies you'll face.
The single-player adventure has another fun mechanic - the player's progress up the tower stays visible the entire time the player climbs far into the reaches of outer space. Not to mention all the enemies that can climb/fly up the tower to attack you from below; and hey - sometimes if you get stuck, the only way up is to fall down - freefall that is. Embrace gravity and freefall to find new paths, explore hidden areas, or if you just really miss terra firma (yes, you can fall allllllllllllllllll the way down). More in »
Tags: Gain, Developer, Monsters, Tower, Deadly
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