Victor Vran Launch Trailer
Added: 25.07.2015 16:43 | 11 views | 0 comments
Victor Vran is available now for PC, MAC and Linux:
The new demon hunting action-RPG Victor Vran officially releases today. After just five months in Early Access, Victor Vran is released with amazing 94% user approval from the Steam Community. The game won the hearts of the players with its action packed combat dynamics, where dodging and jumping mean the difference between life and death.
Victor Vran features four player coop gameplay, a class-less gear-based character progression system, dozens of secrets, over 400 different challenges and dynamic difficulty personalization. The game was created with replayability in mind and promises many hours of pure fun on top of the 20-hour story campaign.More in »
Tags: Steve, After, Launch, Earth
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