Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict GOLD v1.04 Patch
Added: 03.06.2013 15:35 | 10 views | 0 comments
- fixed a FoW error during PBEM/Network games (Zapata)
- fixed a Fighter Intercept range display error
1939 World At War
- fixed a SURRENDER_2 Tunisian Invasion event error (Mike)
- fixed an MPP pludering event error that had the MPP plunder occur at the end of the turn instead of immediately (llhnickerson)
- fixed a DECISION event regarding the splitting of the USSR
- lowered attack experience point allotment to 0.1 from 0.2 (Bill R.)
- lowered attack victory experience point allotment to 0.2 from 0.3 (Bill R.)
- lowered resource attack experience point allotment to 0.05 from 0.1 (Bill R.)
- increased attackers HQ experience point allotment when attacker losses \< defender losses to 0.1 from 0.05 (Bill R.)
- lowered overall max experience to 3 from 5 (Bill R.)
- changed the Chinese Corps at 153,21 for an Army (Alastair)
- added Fortifications under Chinese units at tiles 156,23, 151,20, 152,20, 152,21
- moved the Chinese HQ at 154,23 to 153,23 and replaced the position with a Corps
- added several Marsh tiles in the USSR in and around the Donets Basin and Rostov
- China now starts with one research chit assigned in Anti-Aircraft research (Marek)
- Battleships and Cruisers now have Soft/Tank Attack values of 0 as well as Air/Bomber defense values of 1More in »
Tags: Mario, World, Arts, Network, Corsa, Global, Fighter, Attack, Tale, China
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