The Last of Us Multiplayer Reveal Trailer (HD)
Added: 05.06.2013 11:22 | 10 views | 0 comments
In Factions youll have to pick a side and roll with the Hunters or the Fireflies. Each player starts with a small clan of survivors that you need to keep alive and grow. There are two modes in which you can accomplish the growth and survival of your Clan. In Supply Raid, youll have to scavenge the area and keep your team alive. Your team has a pool of twenty reinforcements. Once the reinforcements have been exhausted, the match will go to sudden death. In Survivors, youre going to have to be extremely vigilant. There are no respawns. Once youre gone youve been eliminated until the next round. Its a best of seven rounds in which the first team to win four rounds wins the match.More in »
Tags: Onto, Trailer, Easy, Last, There, Reveal, The Last, Reveal Trailer, Multiplayer, York
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