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République Episode 1: Exordium Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 19.12.2013 18:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 90

It's a surveillance society, and we're all just living in it. At my , I have to admit that I happily contribute to it. Other times I do wonder about the implications of it all, and the folks at Camouflaj obviously do too. Their sci-fi stealth survival game République explores the positive and negative aspects of omnipresent cameras and a connected civilization, and does it with a storytelling flair few mobile games have managed to date.

If setting the mood of a video game was a college course, République Episode 1: Exordium would be the professor. You meet the game's protagonist, a girl named Hope, when she calls you for help. She may or may not have read something she shouldn't have, which is against the rules in the (apparently near future) city of Metamorphosis. The Orwellian buzzwords fly during the opening scene of dialogue - Recalibration, The Arrival, etc. - but it's clear Hope is in trouble, and only you can help.

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Tags: There, Review, Hold, Episode, Gamezebo, Other

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