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simian.interface Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 09.01.2014 16:00 | 12 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 70

As a tech demo for what can be possible with a slight tilt or two of your iPhone, simian.interfacepushes all the right buttons. It's unique, stylish, and provides numerous wonderfully satisfying moments that jumble together into a compelling side-order of entrancement.

Now what we could really do with is the full game! See, the problem is that, as hinted at, simian.interface feels like someone started making a massively interesting game, and then sort of got bored of the concept partway through and moved onto something else. Still, simian.interface works great as a mere taster.

This is a game all about technical whimsy and alignment. You're presented with squares, lines, and other shapes, and you must line them up to either fit inside one another, to overlap perfectly, or to slot into a pretty pattern, all by tilting your iOS device. The controls feel spot-on, and allow you to really focus on the task at hand and immerse yourself in the concept.

And it's a really neat idea, as it turns out. Although it's fairly simple 90 percent of the time, there's still plenty of room for clever rotating, sliding, flipping, color blending, and all other sorts of literal twists on the base concept. There's no filler here whatsoever - from start to finish I had a smile on my face.

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Tags: Review, Gamezebo

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