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Castle Doombad Review (iPhone, iPad)

Added: 09.01.2014 22:00 | 16 views | 0 comments

Gamezebo Rating: 80

Labelling Castle Doombad as a tower defense game is simultaneously accurate and erroneous. On one hand, you're certainly defending a tower. On the other hand, it's not the well-being of the tower that ultimately matters. The real point of Castle Doombad is to protect its most precious cargo, its princess, from being rescued by meddling heroes.

The awesomely-named Dr. Lord Evilstein has spirited away a generic princess and imprisoned her in his tower. Now he's being harassed by dozens of generic warriors that want to get her back. Dr. Lord Evilstein is safe in the uppermost floors of his tower, but if the princess is rescued and whisked outside his domain, he's finished.

Castle Doombad is a tower defense game, but it has a few personality quirks that separate it from the gargantuan herd that already roams the App Store. Playing as a bad guy is just one difference, and it's admittedly a hoot. Who doesn't want to command a tower full of devious traps and evil minions?

More importantly, you're able to mix and match traps, which truly lets you customize your play style. Your choices are auto traps, manual traps, and minions. Auto traps are traditional tower defense fare like spike floors and arrow launchers, though you can also opt for ceiling hazards like acid-drippers and alien tentacles. Manual traps, like a huge weight that drops from the ceiling, pack a powerful punch, but need to be activated manually and come with a long cooldown.

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Tags: Review, Castle, Lots, Gamezebo, Most, Playing, Auto, York

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