Monday, 10 March 2025
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It's Good to be King in Mobile Games #MGF2014 (iPad)

Added: 22.01.2014 18:17 | 10 views | 0 comments

I am not talking about the makers of Candy Crush Saga, though I guess I could be. Spending the day at the , the most obvious observation is this: to be successful in games in 2014, you need to have either have a lot of luck, or an even greater amount of money.

How much? I have heard through very people that some ad campaigns are starting at $500,000. Yes, I just said $500,000. And that is just for one ad campaign at launch.

The problem is that with so many games being released, it's very hard to be discovered. The best way is to get in the top lists of Apple's App Store or Google Play, but once you are in that top list you're spending a lot of the money you're making to stay on top. Plus you're crowding everyone else out and making it more expensive for them in the process.

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Tags: Gods, Games, Play, Stone, App Store, Kids, Google

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