On the distant Cat's Planet, a war is waging. An army of blobby alien invaders, cozy and confident in their heavily-armed spaceships, are attempting to invade. While they've come equipped with lasers, mines, and missiles, the cats refuse to surrender. In an attempt to protect their home world and everything they hold dear--naps and snacks--the cats take to the air and fight back. This fight is the basis for Coconut Island's upcoming strategic runner, Naughty Kitties. One part tower defense, one part endless runner, and all parts adorable, Naughty Kitties successfully combines twitchy reaction gaming with a need for pre-planning and forethought. Each play is a distance-scored run graded by how many kilometers your kitties' ship manages to fly before being destroyed. On the destroying end of that equation are the alien attackers, flying at and into your ship with guns blazing and bombs exploding, continuously reducing your ship's health meter with each direct hit.