New Game:Tainted Olive - Chapter 2
Added: 28.07.2015 21:25 | 63 views | 0 comments
HIGHLY recommended playing Chapter 1 first.
After Silvian managed to leave Parentium, he headed to Dua Castros in order to find out what happened for the shipments of olives and metal to stop. But before he can get to the city, he must traverse Kontiya - or as known among townsfolk, the Woods of Unrest.
The Woods are dangerous, as Silvian will soon find out. Wild animals roam the trees, the kind you can't find anywhere else, and there are rumours of bandits, attacking shipments and disturbing the trade routes through the forest. And even if Silvian managed to leave the forest unscathed, there is still the mountain of Mordele in the way between him and his destination.
This is the second chapter of Silvian's story, which will feature six chapters in all. Chapter Two is essentially a fast-paced escape through the forest and the mountain, which nevertheless manages to flesh out more of the world and expand the backstory of both Silvian and the characters around him.
Happy playing!More in »
Tags: With, After, Woods
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