News: Darkstalkers Resurrection hasn't been a success, says Capcom
Added: 11.04.2013 12:12 | 23 views | 0 comments
Capcom senior vice president Christian Svensson disappointed he misread demand for the title.
The two-games-in-one downloadable game, which offers updated visuals and online play, was released in March, but so far gamers aren't flocking to digital stores to purchase the game.
In response to a Capcom Unity forum post asking, "Hey, Darkstalkers one of the best-selling PSN games... What gives?" Svensson replied: "Sadly, it's not as high on that list as it really needs to be to be successful.
"We're working on promotions and the like to improve the situation. We've not given up. But I'm disappointed in the opening sales response relative to any other fighting title...
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Tags: Capcom, When, Darkstalkers, Resurrection, Darkstalkers Resurrection
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