Preview : Battlefield Hardline (PS4)
Added: 11.06.2014 1:34 | 5 views | 0 comments
Battlefield: Hardline is extremely fun, but it doesn't set itself apart from the franchise.
If DICE had announced that Hardline was a downloadable pack for Battlefield 4, I wouldn't have blinked an eye after playing it. In many ways, that's a huge compliment to the individuals at Visceral - it's successfully taken everything people love about COD's main rival and squeezed that into a cops and robbers type environment… which is exactly what this is.
The match I was given access to was your traditional objective-based setup: the cops have to protect the vaults, the robbers need to break in and run off with what's inside. You have four classes to choose from - Operator,...
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Tags: Battlefield, Preview, DICE
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